Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Sometimes I just don't have anything to say!

I had a great weekend. And I got A LOT done. I'm almost finished the library/craft room and it's a good thing because I'm running out of room for stuff! And there are still about 10 boxes of stuff in another room I have to go through. Really, when did I accumulate so much stuff? In the last couple of years I've taken a BIG carload of stuff to Good Will at least 4 times. And why do I have so many clothes? How many t-shirts does one person need for heavens sake?? Oh, and I'm the worst when it comes to putting papers away. Saturday, every time I turned around I found another stack of papers I had to go through. Bill spent an hour just shredding stuff for me. Good grief! I had a whole box of paycheck stubs - dating back 6 years! What in the world am I doing with those? (Those didn't get shredded, I have a separate box that I'm filling up for the next community shredding day.)

Sunday we watched an awful movie with Nicholas Cage called, Drive Angry. Well, Bill watched the whole thing. I bailed after about 20 minutes. When it was over I asked him if he really liked it...he said no, but it was kind of like a train wreck, he had to keep watching.

Monday we had Mom over and just hung out. I made the best ribs ever! in the bbq pit. Mmmmmmm. And potato salad and corn on the cob and a veggie tray and fresh fruit for dessert. It was delicious.

See, I don't really have anything to say this week.

OH! I know, yes I do...LOVE the new car. Now that I'm getting used to it :-) Except for the brakes and starting from a stop. I'm a late braker and these brakes are stronger than my PTC brakes. And when you drive a stick and you want to go after you've stopped, you have to press the accelerator. But in an automatic, you pretty much just have to take your foot off the brake. And of course the blue tooth technology in the car stereo is da bomb!

And if you need some visual stimulation, look at these! By Kumi Yamashita. It's called shadow art. Pretty cool.


Thursday, May 24, 2012

old habits

Old habits are hard to break. And the older you are, the harder they are.

I know this is silly, but having a new car has really thrown my routine in the trash! I don't know what to do with my work badge everyday~I had a spot for it in my PTC. I have to think about where the window switch is~on my PTC it was on the dash, now it's on the door. I keep tossing my keys in my purse before I remember I need them to lock the door~my PTC didn't have a remote key. I feel all out of sorts in the morning when I get to work, it's funny as hell.

I really love the volume control on the steering wheel and it hasn't taken me any time to get used to that! And the A/C works a lot better than my PTC, which is super nice for an old broad like me!

Tomorrow I'm taking it back to the Dealer so they can ZBart it. I hope I get a fun loaner. Bill wants them to give me a Scion IQ, because he thinks those look SO fun?! Booooo. But he thinks Smart Cars are stupid. Here's a picture of the IQ and a Smart Car;

They're both silly.

And just for fun...these things made me smile this week;

Monday, May 21, 2012

boo hoo, sniff, sniff, Woohoo!!

I'm not much of a car person. I mean, I don't want an ugly car or something that looks like a kids toy, but for the most part, I don't go crazy for cars or dream of driving a Corvette.

The first car I ever noticed was a Porche 911, when I was 17. And when the PT Cruiser first came out, I fell in love with it. I had to have it. It turned me on. The first time I went into the dealer to see one, I knew more about it than the salesman did. Then I waited a couple years for the price to come down and I bought one. It's my dream car. It's 11 years old. It has 87,000 miles on it and I've never had a single problem with it. I love that car.

Bill has been nudging me, for about 6 months now, to start thinking about a new car. A few weeks ago, I finally saw his point. Even though there isn't any wrong with my beloved PT Cruiser, I should trade it in while it's still worth something. So I started looking at cars.

First of all, even thought the average new car costs 30k, I don't want to spend that. It's just a car for heavens sake.
Second, I commute, so it should get good mileage.
Third, I've discovered that I'm not a sedan kind of gal.

Taking all of those things into consideration, I came to the conclusion that I want an SUV or a station wagon or a mini van. OK, I don't have little kids so the mini van is out. Nobody makes a station wagon anymore - do they? And most SUV's get horrible gas mileage. Now what? I guess I have to be practical? Yuck.

So this weekend we went to go test drive a few cars. First on the list was the Hyundai Elantra Touring - kind of a small wagon, sort of. And while we were there, let's check out the Sonata. Then let's go look at the Toyota Scion xB. And maybe the Mazda 5.

The Sonata is a really pretty sedan, but once I got in it, I didn't like it.
The Elantra, which I was ready to like, was awful. Cramped, noisy and uncomfortable. It has a kick ass warranty though. Then we went across the street to try the Scion. We were both very surprised by it. Plus, it's fits the 'different' category :-)  It gets better mileage than my PT, has power everything, tinted windows, cruise control, LOTS of room inside and one of those totally awesome phone blue tooth stereos - you know, so you can talk on your phone through your car speakers?! Yesssss! hoo, sniff sniff. Bye bye my beloved PT Cruiser. You served me well.

But hey! Look at all cool NEW stuff I get!!! :-)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

News about color!

This was so interesting;

Chuck's daughters little girl is drawing me a picture, of a log cabin. She asked her why and her little girl said, because she likes nature. Chuck's daughter, who is laughing loudly inside her head said, why do you think that? Her daughter said, because she likes bees and bright cheerful colors like flowers!

That's curious to me now that I've read that article. I have more colorful clothes now than I used to.  And I do LOVE bright cheery colors but I also love those rich jewel tones and earth tones. I guess I really do like to look at color. And I really do like to look at nature. You would think I would be more into the whole gardening thing. hmmmm

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

In the news...

Almost every day I peruse the headlines in the news and look at the silliness that pops up on Yahoo and the MSN home page. Mostly, you can figure out what's going on in the world by reading the headlines. Sometimes, the headline is good enough  to make you want to read the article. It's so funny what's considered news. Anyway, I didn't read the articles attached to most of these, but they were some of the wackiest I saw;

* Butt dials account for 38% of 911 calls.

* Discovered Mayan calendar goes way past 2012.

* Hip, or About to Break a Hip?
Is a 45 year-old pursuing a dangerous sport like skateboarding embarrassing and risky or inspiring and life-affirming?

* Mom has unlawful sex, baby with daughter’s boyfriend, 16.

* NJ test asks 3rd graders to reveal a secret
Some New Jersey parents are upset about a standardized test question that asked third-graders to reveal a secret and write about why it was hard to keep.

* Phoenix-area man hits $1 million jackpot six times.

* Bloomington cops shoot naked gunman near IU campus.

* Tattoos are part of a growing pet grooming industry where a standard cut, wash and nail trim no longer will do. Groomers routinely offer teeth cleaning, mouthwash and spa treatments complete with blueberry facials and pedicures as services – part of an estimated $58.2 million that Americans will spend on their pets this year

* Chris Brown's new gig: Pit bull salesman
 * Kardashians stick with 'reality'

* Guy shoots girlfriend on hog-hunting date.

* Woman donates kidney to boss, gets fired.

* Six-year old arrested for assault on principal

* Canine Custody Battle Costs Man $60,000

And the funniest thing I read today is in regard to Howard Stern taking over as a judge on some show called America's Got Talent;
The night's biggest insult was leveled not by Stern but one of the rejects. When Stern told the guitarist who butchered "Proud Mary", "I’ve been in radio 35 years and you're too weird for my show,” the guitarist shot back: “That might hurt my feelings if I respected your opinion.”

I don't feel a need to comment on any of these because you can probably make up your own funny stories about them :-)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mom's and stuff

Hope you all had a wonderful weekend and if you're a Mom, I hope you felt loved in every way that mattered!

Friday night, we took Mom to an Indians game. Bill always says that baseball is as boring as watching paint dry but he says he had a nice time. It was a perfect night out. Not too hot, not humid, no clouds in the sky. And Victory Stadium is pretty nostalgic. They did an excellent job on it. Plus, there were fireworks after the game - which we won by the way!

Saturday, I didn't wake up until a little after NOON. And then it was only because Bill came in to make sure I was ok. I popped right up after I looked at the clock! It's been yeeeeeeears since I slept that late! That was weird. Anyway, the rest of the day was filled with regular house things and a trip to Hobby Lobby to get a mat for my last quilled artwork. I'm SO happy with it;

Sometimes when I look at it, I can't believe *I* made that!

Sunday, Mom came over to our house. We took a little trip to Ace Hardware, where they were having 20% of perennials. She bought some more flowers - she's gone hog wild this year! Oh, and I bought some too. Don't laugh. I might actually be able to keep them all alive this year. Mom says I only have to water them :-) I tried to pick things that said hardy. It appears that I've made a total commitment now! This is what I ended up with;

If it seems like I'm failing, I'll send out an SOS to da mama.

Next was dinner at Cynthia's Cantina, where chicken enchiladas were the house special. Yum-O! I make pretty yummy enchiladas if I do say so. And something low fat and healthy for dessert...homemade strawberry smoothies.

Love you Mom, you're the BEST!

It was a downright wonderful weekend!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Old stuff

I'm SO happy in my new library/craft room! I can hardly wait for the next 1/2 price book ($3 or less) sale!

As I've been unpacking old stored boxes, I've found a lot of loose pictures. Guess I better add that to my list of things I want to do...put them all in an album. (on a side note...sometimes I wonder why I want to do that. Who am I going to leave them to? Isn't that silly?)

Anyway, some of them are so fun! Like this one, taken on our honeymoon;
Those suckers were much heavier than you would imagine.

Then there's this one with my brothers Dad;

I look so girly considering I was totally a tom-boy a few years later! And what happened to the blond hair? Hey bubba! have your Dad's eyes :-)

And this handsome guy is my bio Dad;

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


First of all, let me remind you, it's MY blog and I can say and post whatever I want.

Next, you know I love Hugh Jackman.

I'm not a fan of this chap, I don't find him particularly handsome, I don't watch soccer. However, what could be more beautiful than this!!!...


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

wow, Wow, WOW!

Last night we went to see Yanni, live. I love his music. And like one of the reviewers said, sorry, not sorry. Passionate, powerful, dynamic, moving, joyful...and more. Plus, he's charming and a real delight on stage

Here are just a couple review snippets;

"According to the weird looks and Facebook comments I’ve been receiving, it’s not normal to fill your Spotify playlists with Yanni songs, nor devote evenings to his show. Forgive me for my ignorance. Or, as my friend Lauren would say, sorry not sorry.

"He performed with his 12-piece orchestra for more than two hours with music from all walks of his career. There are few modern-day composers with a unique sense of music and style which is truly their own. To compare new-age music with classic rock is a stretch, but for Yanni, it is possible. This Greek composer marries contemporary new-age spirituality with today’s pop attitudes and delivers a unique sound which puts him in a class of his own. As far as contemporary new-age music goes, Yanni is a step above the rest.

What pleasantly caught me off guard Monday was the amount of genuine fun and energy there was on stage — not just by Yanni playing his multiple keyboards, but by all 12 people in the orchestra. I have always known that Yanni, as a composer, created all the music — not just for the ivory keys, but for all the instruments on stage. I have never seen one of his live performances before. It was a real treat to see him demonstrate that he has a complete connection to his music — and is able to show it in a very unique and entertaining way."

I want to go again, and again and again and again!

If YOU ever get an opportunity to see Yanni live, please! go, you'll LOVE it I promise.