Friday, October 25, 2019


We're finally into the Autumn weather transition. It won't get above 70 from here on out and you definitely need to turn the heat on at night. The leaves have started to fall in earnest and more and more people are lugging around jackets and coats. I like it. Just yesterday I made the seasonal clothing transition in the closet. Moving all the short sleeves and thin materials, to make room for all the less colorful long sleeves and heavier fabrics. I have a new pile of things for Good-Will now! It's a good time of year to do that. I'm even wearing slippers already! And it's time to wash all the blankets and throws to freshen them up. Halloween is next week and before you know it I'll have to bust out the scarves and gloves. But in my cool new car, my butt will never be cold!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Christmas is 63 days away!

Yesterday, I took the first steps towards a gift free Christmas!

Last Sunday at breakfast,  my little pack and I talked about plans for Christmas this year. We all agreed that it has become increasingly difficult to buy gifts for each other. We don't need anything. If there's something we want, we buy it for ourselves. So we talked about going somewhere instead. I love that idea. It's a little late in the year already to make those kinds of plans though. So I made a unilateral decision yesterday and went with it! First, I requested the week of Christmas off. Second, I made reservations for the lunch performance of A Christmas Carol at Beef and Boards dinner theater! We can have a nice lunch and watch a play. Awesome, right?!?!?! I have a whole list of potential things we can do, instead of gift giving. Movies * bowling * the zoo * the Museum of Art * ...
On Christmas day, we'll just eat, drink and hang out. No pressure. I'm excited!!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Great sadness

Today we said goodbye to our sweet 12 year old Miniature Schnauzer, Pepper. 

Pepper was the sweetest spirit, full of joy and enthusiasm. Ready to play at a moment’s notice. She jumped around the backyard like a baby goat, stalked squirrels like a cat, squeaked when she yawned and snorted like pig when she ate. She was incredibly smart, learning a new behavior in just a few days! She LOVED carrots and pineapple and pizza crust. Oh who am I kidding, she loved almost any kind of food! But she had nice doggie manners when you gave her a treat and she always chewed her food. Everyday when I came home from work, she howled and stuck her butt up in the air. I’m sure gonna miss that. She was a great watch dog. Alerting us to squirrels, bunnies, the trash truck, neighbors and Amazon delivery drivers. I hardly ever heard her growl though, only when we played tug. She stole alllll the toys from Greta and I’m pretty sure that she believed all the dogs beds belonged to her too! She slept in the craziest positions. Her little clownish, furry self made us laugh almost every day! She was so brave and so bashful at the same time. She didn't like to have her picture taken. Every time I would point the camera at her she would turn her head away - no, don't look at me. She was a great hunter, of anything that moved. Always finding that bug right before it got to me :-) She loved Greta A LOT! She was 100% dog. If we had nice weather all year, she would’ve been perfectly happy to spend her days outside, running in occasionally to make sure we were still here. She wasn't a cuddly dog but she loved us completely and we felt the same about her. 

...her little body gave out. She died in my arms and I felt honored to have been holding her in her last moments, with my fella by my side. It felt right. Sigh. 
Dogs are the greatest gift, loving unconditionally. Our home won’t be the same without her. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

talking dogs

Wouldn't that be funny?! 
The other day my fella said, I wish the dogs could talk. I started thinking about what they would say! Mostly, I think they would be so annoying;
When are we gonna eat
can I have a cookie
you stink
hey look! a squirrel
what's that smell
breakfast? I'm hungry!
did you see that bird I almost caught?!
Greta ate the kleenex
where did that squirrel go
can I have something to eat
can you smell that?!
do you wanna play ball
here's the ball
what's that smell?
can I have some of that?
wanna play?
I'm sleepy
I dreamed I caught a squirrel
I ate it
I'm hungry, can I have a cookie?
what's that smell
where's da mama
you smell
is it time to eat
I think that's pretty much how it would go, non-stop, the whole time they were awake!! Sometimes it would be ok, like when I know they don't feel well. But for the most part, nope, I don't wish they could talk!!