Wednesday, March 30, 2016


I read an article yesterday about a man who was scheduled to be put to death today, for murdering his young daughters. Good. It happened in 2001. It pissed me off that the state of Texas has been supporting him for 15 years. I mean, his trial happened right away so it wasn't like he had to wait 5 years to be found guilty. That irritates me. Today, I read this article;

This irritates me even more. You have to be sane to be executed?? I mean, if you kill your own children just to piss your ex off, you're really NOT sane to begin with, right? Oy

Why am I reading the news?? Geez, will I never learn!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

full disclousure

I don't like being fat. Especially since I've been thin most of my life. Actually, I hate being fat. I just can't figure out what to do about it! Apparently, I'm not very good at dieting on my own. I'm also not very good at holding myself accountable. Humph. So, I joined Nutrisystem. I started on February 1st. In 8 weeks, I've lost 15.4 pounds. HOORAY! Finally, success. I know exactly why too - because I didn't have to do anything. I only eat what they send me. I don't have to think about what to cook, how much to cook, calories, fat, blah, blah, blah. It's perfect for me! So, here are some things I discovered; I don't miss sugar. That's a big one for me. But, I am totally a carb-o-holic. Man do I miss potatoes, and chips. But, I'm not craving them now so that's a plus. Also, it's really hard not to over eat! Starting April 1st, I'm going to go it alone and see what happens. Wish me luck! I know what I have to stay away from now. Oh, and fruits and veggies are free food! THAT, I love! I can eat a lot of veggies :-)
And lots of walking. 10,000 steps a day is hard when you're an office slug. So, I walk 30/40 minutes every day at lunch. I park far away. I take the long way everywhere.
Already there are huge health benefits too. According to my fitbit, my average heart-rate the week of Feb. 1st, was 87. The week of March 1st, it was 71. This week, it's 67. Whoa. THAT'S AWESOME!

Thursday, March 17, 2016


When you think of oldies, in regard to music, which era/decade do you think of? The 50's? The 60's. When I think of oldies, I think of Motown, The Temptations, The Supremes, Smokey Robinson, The Four Seasons.  In the 70's, my friends and I called the 50's and 60's, oldies. Maybe the 50's were, but I don't why we called the 60's, oldies. Most cable TV services have music channels. Ours has about 30 music channels. They have a channel for the 80's, 90's, 70's, and...Oldies. Does that mean that the Oldies are classified as their own genre? I was wondering about all this because just the other day, somebody said the music I (ME) grew up with, IS the oldies! Na ah. So I looked it up. Wiki says that "Oldies is a radio format that concentrates on music from a period of about 25 to 55 years before the present day." 
Wait. So the music I grew up with, mid 70's, became 'oldies', technically, in about the year 2000. SIXTEEN YEARS AGO???? I forget how old I am allll the time. 

Monday, March 14, 2016

weekend things

Saturday, we celebrated our 12th year with sweet Greta. I can't believe we've had her for 12 years already!! Best dog EVER! She got canned food for dinner. She thought that was so awesome, she went back and checked her bowl 3 times! Sheesh! It was pretty funny.

Also, after serious dieting for the last 6 weeks, we all went out to dinner Saturday too! We went to a place called Hollyhock Hill. If you're ever in Indy, you have to go. Everyone says it's the best fried chicken dinner in the state. It was dee-lish! And not just because we haven't had real food in so long either! But mom and Bill were sad that you only got one scoop of ice cream for dessert.  :-)  I was happy to have the mashed potatoes. I love potatoes. ALL potatoes. sigh. Back to the diet.

The remodel is going slow. But we're both still alive and not threatening divorce so, so far it is successful. 

Do you like daylight savings time? I think it's dumb. I liked it better when we didn't change our clocks. Everybody says, but now you get an extra hour of daylight. No, you don't. It's the same, silly. We should just do away with that.

I made this super cool Cubs logo, over the weekend. One of my co-workers is going to go work for the Governor. He's a 'rabid' Cubbies fan. He's been very supportive of my quilling so I wanted to do something nice for him. Plus, he'll hang it in his new office - which gives me good exposure. It's a win, win! I dig it.

And, today is National Pi (3/14) day, National Potato Chip day, and National Napping day. So, have some chips, take a nap and eat a piece of pie! It's a good day!

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Nature vs you

Are you ever amazed at how quickly nature takes over, once you've stopped occupying that space?
I drive by a mostly abandoned shopping mall - not in the ghetto, on my way home. Last summer, the city started spraying the weeds and trying to make it look like it still has potential. It might...but anyway, I've been so surprised by how quickly nature started taking over the parking lots!
I was thinking about that this morning, on my drive into work, through the ghetto.
There are a couple vacant houses, there's actually a lot of them, but a couple of them have started to "cave in" now. They didn't appear to be in that bad of shape a couple years ago. I wonder, what is it exactly that we're doing, inside our home, that keeps nature at bay? Is it climate control? Is it simply moving around through the rooms? Is it because we spray to keep the bugs out? Or because we mow the lawn all summer? I wonder.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Monday stuff...

If you're not eagle peeping, you should be! There's babies hatchin' all over the place! It's so cool!!! And who knew baby owls were so white and fluffy?!

You've probably seen the story(ies) about country duo, Joey and Rory. She passed away Friday. They weren't a famous couple or country duo. They didn't make headlines for anything spectacular. But Rory, has a blog. He's been writing about Joey's struggles and her death. It's just the sweetest most heartbreaking thing. I can't tell you how many times I cried, reading it. You can find it here;

I don't know if I have talked about this before - or maybe I just think to. Anyway...I'm so sick of what big babies people are. Seriously. I want people to stop saying they have a migraine. Trust me babe, if you have a migraine, you wouldn't be at work whining about having a migraine. Especially if all you take it Excedrin Migraine. Please. And if you have to stay home because your head hurts so badly, then you should see your doctor, because there are plenty of prescription medicines that can help you. 
Also, why does your place of business have to provide you with everything you want to make you more comfortable? Good grief. If you have tendinitis or carpal tunnel, and you want a wrist pad for your keyboard or mouse, just go buy one for yourself! By the time you go to the Dr., get a note, fill out all the appropriate paperwork in HR, not only will it be a couple weeks later, but it will have cost hundreds of dollars just to get a stupid little $7 wrist pad. Narcissistic, pinheads.