Tuesday, February 28, 2017

found it!

Is there some little thing that you are constantly losing?
Some thing that you lose and buy and find? I know you know what I mean! I can't be the only one.
I know for sure that my fella does this as well. How else would you explain the 50 tape measures we have?! And we're both like that with reading glasses. We have our favorites but every time we misplace a pair, we buy a pair. I would guess that somewhere in the house, we have at least a 100 pair of reading glasses. Yeah, yeah, of course I'm exaggerating...
You know what else is like that, in our house? Fingernail clippers. They're always missing. When they're missing, the next time I go to the store, if I remember, I buy a pair. I guess I do that with some regularity because look what magically turned up the other day!!!!!!!

I'm going to try and remember not to buy anymore clippers.

Thursday, February 23, 2017


It's estimated that 1.8 BILLION photographs are taken every day!! 
Right now, I have almost 1,000 pictures on my phone. There they are, on my phone. What am I going to do with them? I've already deleted 100's of them. Should I send them to Walgreen's and print them out? Do I actually want to keep them all? They are all stored in "the cloud" so if I lose my phone, I'll still have my pictures. I wonder how many pictures are stored in the cloud right now. Is there a shelf life for that data? Will they be in the cloud forever? That's a lot of data.

When I was a kid and all the way to adulthood, you had to take pictures with a camera that used film. My first camera was a Brownie;
Image result for brownie camera
I think my next camera was a 110 camera;
Image result for kodak 110 film camera
Remember those?

Next, I think my camera looked like this;
Image result for insta 35mm non digital camera in the 80's

That style of camera, 35mm, took me all the way to about 2003, when I got my first digital camera. I have a 1/2 dozen SD memory cards with pictures on them, most of which I have never printed. Is anyone but me going to look at them?

I was thinking about all that last December. I made a couple of photo/scrapbooks for Mom for Christmas. It's actually kinda cool to look through a photo album. It made me want to look through all of my old ones. Honestly though, ALL of my photo albums put together, probably don't contain a 1,000 pictures. 

Anyway...looking through all my photo albums, there aren't a lot of pictures of the kids growing up. You had to take the picture, wait till you used all 24 (or more) take the film to the drugstore and wait a couple days to get them back and pay for them. As a teenager, I had to save to get my film developed! I bet I still have at least a few of those film canisters with undeveloped film in them. These days, parents document everyday of their kids lives! Teenagers take a zillion pictures, of themselves, everyday! But what happens to them?? I was wondering, will my grandchildren ever have paper pictures to show THEIR kids? Will their kids ever hold a picture in their hand, of their great grandparents? And maybe their kids will just Google whoever they want to see, because by then, everything will be digital. Isn't that weird??

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Let's talk about migraines again. Migraines suck! My biggest trigger is weather. Whenever there's a big change, BAM! December and January were horrible for me. I had a migraine in January that lasted for FOUR days. I was this close to going to the emergency clinic! It was awful. 
After that, I decided to do some more research on holistic remedies. My Rx works well but it makes me feel weird. That can't be good, can it? Anyway, I've already tried several over the counter things. I've also changed my sleeping habits on the weekend. You know, instead of sleeping in, I get up around 7:30 or 8:00. I think that helped a little! Then I read something new...it said that if you take a vitamin B complex, it could reduce your migraines by up to 40%. Yeah, yeah, could and up to are suspicious. But what the hell, it can't hurt, right? Sooooo, it's been 3 weeks. I thought I was going to have a migraine a couple times, but I took some Tylenol and what do you know? It went away. Three weeks without a migraine. It's making me happy, real happy! I'm hopeful for sure.

Now for something completely different. Look at this funny ring;

Rawr means, I love you, in dinosaur. LOL. I had to have it - super cute :-)

Monday, February 20, 2017

THAT was fun!

My kid brother just came out to visit for a week. Besides just seeing his face, my favorite part was strolling down memory lane with someone who actually shares those memories with me. Oh you know, it's fun to do that with your spouse or a good friend, but unless they were there, it's not the same. He said he remembered a restaurant called Caves and Caverns. I didn't remember that one at all! But others I did - Victoria Station, Farrell's and Burger Chef-which became Hardees/Carl's Jr., Laughner's Cafeteria, Nora Theater, Ayr-Way, (which was sold to Target). Hooks drugstore and Standard grocery store. Flower City. Then there was our old Jr. High and Elementary school. The Ice Dome, and the old country club we use to go to, The Riviera Club. It still looks the same, mostly.

All our old neighborhoods. Riding our bikes for miles and miles and miles, on country roads that are busy highways now. It was pretty fun. 

My guy did some totally rad car stuff with him. World of Wheels, the Dallara Indy car Factory and the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum. The museum was neat because they had taken out a lot of the race cars to make room for a really cool display...in honor of Indiana's 200th birthday, they were displaying all the cars that had been made in Indiana! I learn new things all the time!

It was SO great to see him and take care of him :-)

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

things you should work on

First, do you listen to people when they speak? When you do, do you listen to respond or do you listen to understand? Isn't that an interesting way to put it? For the most part, I think I listen to understand. I could do better though. I'm going to work on that.

Second, is there anything that's beneath you? Is there something you wouldn't do because you feel you shouldn't have to or because you feel it's demeaning? Do you treat everyone with respect? I try to be nice to everyone. Even though I don't like people. I always say hi to the cleaning lady in our building, the old fella that brings our mail, and all the maintenance people. They work hard. And I'm always nice to restaurant servers. They work really hard. I'd like to think that even if I had a high paying, executive position somewhere, that I would still be nice to everyone. 

So, you know I brought that up for a reason, right? :-)

In my office, there's a water cooler. It has a hot water and a cold water spigot. It's awesome!
There are five men and 1 woman in our office, top executives. Plus myself and the other Admin.
How often would you think that I've had to replace the 40 pound water bottle on the cooler? Go ahead, take a wild guess. 98% of the time. No, I'm serious! I've actually watched a couple of those men walk into our break-room to put water in their glass, see that the jug is empty, and turn around and walk out. Oh no, I am not kidding. Sometimes I don't change it, just to see who will. We went all day once, before some 2nd level management guy came in and changed it. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. 1/2 of them don't even acknowledge me as they walk by. I would bet money that our top guy, after 2 years, doesn't know my last name. I don't know if it's because he's an elitist and acknowledging a peon is beneath him, or if it's because I don't have a penis. Frankly, if you can't change the empty water bottle, I think it's because YOU don't have a penis!!!!

Friday, February 10, 2017

your soundtrack

What's on the soundtrack of your life??
You know, the songs that absolutely bring back A memory or a whole time frame. The songs that just make you feel so good. I know there might be a lot of them but think about it...it will make you happy.

Stairway to Heaven                                                    
Dream On                                                                   
I Honestly Love You
Long Haired Country Boy                                           
I Will Survive
Lay Down Sally
Don't Mess Around with Jim                                       
I Am I Said
Afternoon Delight                                                        
I Think I Love You
The Time of My Life
Black Water                                                                 
Hot Stuff                                                                      
Turn The Page
Wild World                                                                   
Addicted To Love
Loco Motion                                                                
You're No Good                                     
Time In A Bottle  
American Woman                                                        
Sweet Dreams                                     
Candy Man                                                                  
American Pie         
White Wedding                                                            
Make It With You
Bohemian Rhapsody                                                   
Mama He's Crazy
Tie A Yellow Ribbon                                                    
Friends In Low Places
What's Love Got to Do With It                                     
My Maria
You've Got A Friend                                                    
Forever and Ever Amen
Where Were You                                                         
She's Always A Lady
Walk This Way                                                             
I Will Always Love You
Simply Irresistible

There are a few more, of course. These are just the ones that pop into my head. It makes me happy! I think I'll create my own playlist!! Yay for Fridays!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2017

...in the news

This is great news!!


It's Groundhog's Day. The little furball saw his shadow. That means 6 more weeks of winter. I hate to break it to you, but the first day of Spring is March 20th. Which is 7 1/2 weeks away. So 6 more weeks seems like a deal to me!

An anti-Trump movement is calling for a boycott of 33 retailers that sell Trump merchandise. I looked them up - most of them are on the list because they sell Ivanka Trump's clothing line. Forgive me, but I fail to see what Ivanka Trump has to do with the presidency. Why does the country want something to hate, so badly??

If you've ever wondered what's in the filling (between the layers of wafer) of a Kit Kat bar, here's your answer: It's not chocolate! It's actually recycled Kit Kats. Technicians pull any imperfect Kit Kats - with off center wafers or not enough shine, for example - and grind them into a paste.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Do you worry about your safety, or the safety of your loved ones? When do you worry?
I do some things that are definitely purposeful to be safe. For instance, I always have my keys in my hand way before I get to my car and I throw my purse in first thing. I never leave my purse in the shopping cart. I always lock my car when I get gas. And at night, I try to be aware of who is around me, if I'm alone. Those are all things I've been doing for 30 years though! Past that, I guess I don't think that much about it. I don't worry about a crazy person bursting into the theater while I'm watching a movie. I'm not always looking at people as they walk into a restaurant. I don't worry about terrorists when I'm flying somewhere. In general, I don't take extra precautions. Do you? Curiously however, I do worry about my fella driving across the country by himself. And I can say with confidence that I would NOT approve of my mom doing that either! No way! 

Today, I was cleaning out a folder in my email and it had a couple things in it that I wanted to mention here, then forgot. One of them was about the victims of the theater shooting in Aurora Colorado, a few years ago. Basically, it said that 4 of the survivors, who chose not to take a settlement, sued the theater for not keeping them safe. A judge ruled against them. I can't begin to comprehend the trauma et al. they faced. Not having ever been in any kind of situation like that, I can't say how I would feel. But I'm pretty sure I wouldn't blame an establishment for what some totally whacked out, nut job did! And isn't it a shame that their attorney led them to believe that they had a case. (That's a whole different topic though)

Really, you aren't "safe" anywhere. It doesn't matter if you're armed either. Does that stop you from going places though? Is it someone responsibility to make sure you're safe from other people? Would you even go to the movies if you had to be searched before you went in? How much of your freedom would you give up to be guaranteed you would be protected from other people?