Monday, November 23, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

Parts of this year were pretty great. Other parts, not so hot. I was reminded though, that's exactly when you should be thankful for everything you do have - during the not so hot parts. Usually, I think I'm pretty good at that. But dang, some days it's hard! I know that there's so much to be thankful for. It's just not always easy to recognize those things, especially when you're day isn't going so well. Sometimes we lose sight of how much we have. Even when we have a joyfully happy day! So, during the coming year, if you happen to have a not so hot day, think about some small thing that made you day better. Perhaps it will be something as great as green lights all the way to work. Maybe it will be something as simple as getting the last cup of coffee in the pot or the last clean spoon in the drawer. Or even better, maybe a stranger will smile at you for no reason or let you cut into traffic. Everything you take for granted is something to be thankful for. Everything that makes you smile is something to be grateful for. Keep this little saying in mind; every day may not be good, but there's something good in every day. Hokey I know, but true none the less.  

With that in mind, I'm thankful for;

Southwest Airlines $39 one way tickets to Washington DC!  - That was fun!
A windy autumn day
Good walking shoes
Disco music - or anything else from the 70's
Wheat Beer
Coloring books - doodle art has come a long way folks and validation is delightful!
News free days
Technology - awesome and scary!
Live entertainment - Especially if it involves singing and/or dancing
Hobbies - many
Greta and Pepper - woof!
Air conditioning
Modern medicine - saving lives every day
Snow days - there's something to be said for living on a dead end street
1/2 Price Books annual $2 or less sale
Queso dip - mmmmm, gooey cheese
Youthful exuberance and wonder
Hugh Jackman might be the next James Bond! (hey, it's my list)
Happy people
Free parking downtown
Pandora - you know, for all that great disco music
Fresh pineapple
My favorite DJ's on the local country station
Art - not that modern crap though
Avocados and craisins in my salad
A new roof - functional and pretty!
24/7 Christmas music - right around the corner!
Visitors - always welcome. But you know, call first J
Birds at the backyard diner
Sleeping late on Saturday
Amazon - if they don't have it, you don't need it
The cutest twins ever born!

Besides all of those fun, silly, wonderful things, every single day, I’m thankful for my job, a dependable car, a home, a fridge filled with food and more than I need. Every single day, I am profoundly thankful for my wonderfully diverse family and a strong, patient husband who never tires of being married to me. Every day, I know that I am loved. What more could a girl ask for? What about you? Make the world a better place, spread the joy, tell me 3 things that you're thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Life is good. Bee Happy.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Sometimes people DON'T suck

This story was so sad to me;

But then this follow up made me cry, in a good way;

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Life's mysteries

Cancer. That's a mystery.
Migraines. There's another one.
The deep, deep, sea.
Why cats get the crazies!
Politics and the United States tax code.
The human brain.
Worm holes.
Insomnia. What's up THAT?! Really, I got 3 & 1/2 hours of sleep last night. Grrrrr. And for no reason at all. No extra caffeine. No nap during the day. No big dinner. I wasn't reading an exciting book. I wasn't playing an exciting game. No social media before bed. It wasn't too warm or too cold. I'm not consciously stressed about anything. I just couldn't go to sleep! AND, today is 1/2 over and I'm still not sleepy? Good grief. I'm sure I'll have a good sleep debt going by the weekend :-(