Friday, September 19, 2014

Not a Flashback Friday

In case you weren't aware, today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day!


Sunday, September 14, 2014

My brain...

In Lumosity, after a year or so, this is how my "brain power" compares to other people in my age group - 55 to 59. Note my math skills. See honey, I really DON'T get it!!
Also, my profile now shows me who my scores are most similar to.
So, my scores are most similar to people who work in;
Art and Design
Culinary Arts
My scores are less similar to people who work in:
My scores are LEAST similar to people who work in Management.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

13 years ago...

Most high school seniors were only 4 years old on this day 13 years ago. Most high school seniors 13 years ago, are 30 now. I was a little startled when they said, 13 years ago, on the news this morning. It seems like just a couple of years ago.

Robertson officials hold 9/11 ceremony
Nicole Young, Robertson County Times10:57 a.m. CDT September 11, 2014
 “We remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms that we every day enjoy,” he said. “We also want to remember all the families and friends of those who gave all to their fellow man as well as those who are here now, serving now, with us and all around the world.

On 9/11/14, Putnam Groups Will Say Thank You To Those Who Serve
“September 11th is a day of history, emotion, and reflection,” said Chauntel Wright, prevention coordinator of the Vetcorps Program. “For many Americans it is also a day of service that provides an opportunity to join neighbors and local leaders to rekindle the compassion and unity shown on that day.”


9/11 brought us together as a people

Sep. 12, 2014 1:10 AM  Written by Ray Tenorio
There are no words we can say to truly express how we feel. Our love and gratitude are mixed with sorrow and pain. We can honor their lives by remembering who they were, remembering their families and by celebrating the freedoms we have today because they refused to cower to terror and tyranny.
We can say "thank you" and "we love you" to those men and women here today who continue that fight. So many more men and women put on those uniforms and march into danger. They understand the price, perhaps more than anyone else, of freedom, and still they answer "yes" when the call is made for those willing to face the horrors of war.


100 Nights of Remembrance: A Granite State 9/11 tradition By Jean Mackin WMUR 9

“Unless we have remembrance, that generation will grow up and not know what really 
happened on 9/11. It’s very important we pass it on,” said Noel Taylor, founder of 100 
Nights of Remembrance.
The cadets were given pins and a salute to honor their dedication.

“I just want to say thank you. I mean, they did their time. Now it’s our time to do exactly 
what they did,” said Davie Pena of the Navy Junior ROTC.

What I Want My Kids to Know About 9/11

Mother, Investigator by trade, Blogger and Wife
Posted: 09/11/2014 9:31 am EDT
These are a few things I want my kids to know about 9/11/01:
Even if it was just for a moment, we all put our differences aside and came together as a country. Strangers held out their hands without a second thought to those who were affected. People hugged in the streets because it was all they could do amidst the wreckage. Hundreds upon thousands of people who couldn't help physically rushed to donate blood the next day (including me). So remember, no matter what life brings and how awful things may seem, there will always be some good people in this world willing to help you. Make sure you thank them.
Always strive to be someone’s hero.
Don’t be afraid to take a chance.
"Human nature is not of itself vicious." Thomas Paine
Live as though you're invincible, but just know: You're not.
There are three things that last forever: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of them all is love.

Take time to remember a dark day in nation's history
"The acts of bravery (on Sept. 11) will never be known how many there were by first responders," said Lansford. "They did not question. They did not hesitate. They did their jobs. I would like to see each of you give that same level of respect to all that wear the uniforms, whether it be armed forces, EMTs, firemen, police, first responders that serve us every day. Every day these individuals put their life on the line. They never know if they're going to return home safe, but they do not question their oath to protect."

Sunel Merchant recalls 9/11

The Auburn
“If you’re passing by the fire station and have a few minutes, just stop in and say ‘I just want to thank you,’” Merchant said. “That means a lot to them.”

13 years later, America remembers 9/11 horror
Yamiche Alcindor and John Bacon, USA TODAY
At a ceremony in Shanksville, Pa., former U.S. House speaker Dennis Hastert donated the flag that flew atop the U.S. Capitol on 9/11 to the Flight 93 National Memorial.
All 44 people aboard the Newark-to-San Francisco flight, including four hijackers, died when the passengers and crew apparently attempted to wrest control of the plane from the hijackers. Hastert said the hijackers' probably had planned on flying the plane to Washington, targeting the Capitol or White House. The heroism of those aboard may have saved the U.S. Capitol, he said.
The victims were posthumously awarded a Congressional Gold Medal. The observance also included a reading of the names of Flight 93 passengers and crew, ringing of Bells of Remembrance and a wreath laying.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Everyone who knows me knows that I’m not the most observant person in the world. Except about my environment. I notice things about my surroundings all the time. But people are mostly a blur. Occasionally though, someone stands out. Usually it’s for a really apparent reason, like purple hair, super tall, really tiny, beautiful smile, brightly colored cast. Things like that.

But yesterday, while I was walking at lunch, I saw the most beautiful couple. They were sitting on a bench, alongside the canal, talking.
They looked like they were in their mid forties. He was much taller than her. They both had business attire on. They were sitting in the middle of the bench, legs crossed, relaxed and very comfortable, facing each other. He had his arm around her shoulders. The beautiful thing about them was, they were in love. Everything about them screamed, “I love you!” I found myself slowing down as I walked passed them. I felt like I was watching something so incredibly intimate. Just the smile and the look on her face said that he was everything to her.

I’m guessing that they were still new to one another. Regardless, it was something so special to them. It made me wonder when the last time I felt like that was.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Flashback Friday

50 years ago...

The top movies were;
Goldfinger, Mary Poppins, The Pink Panther, My Fair Lady and Last Man on Earth.

MacArthur, Harpo and Hoover died.

The top songs were;
Baby Love, Chapel of Love, Can't Buy me Love, Pretty Woman and I Want to Hold Your Hand.
the sixties were big on love :-)

The average yearly income was $5880.
A stamp cost .05
Life Magazine was .35 an issue
A Rolls Royce Silver Cloud cost $16,655.00

A bottle of Squibb aspirin of 400 was $1.96

There were 4027 births
Pontiac came out with the first GTO (Goat)
Police caught the Boston Strangler
Ford introduced The Mustang
Hasbro introduces G.I. Joe
60% of the population smokes.
And the Surgeon General says smoking MAY be hazardous to your health.

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Flipper, Bewitched, Addams Family, Man From UNCLE, The Munsters and Gilligans Island all premiered on television.

what a light hearted year it was!