Wednesday, January 29, 2020

WARNING-foul language ahead

I kind of have a potty mouth anyway, but watch out!

Oh for the love of god...

Are you fucking serious!!!!???? THIS is what you, as a "reputable" news outlet, want me to know? OMG!

Wait, there's more...

I have to provide a notarized, state/county issued marriage license, because my name changed, proof of residence and my birth certificate OR my passport, to get a fucking drivers license!!!! You MORONS!

...and still more...

I hate that the gay community ruined the use of the rainbow for anything other than being or supporting said community. But come on! The parents are now suing the school but honestly, why?! Why would you want to send your child to a school that's so fucked up!?!?!?

And this is just a tragic local story but it's really got me scratching my head.
A little over a year ago, a 24 yr old woman who was driving (a small pickup truck) and not paying attention, hit and killed 3 children (siblings) when they were crossing the street to get on the school bus. You're supposed to stop when the school bus does, with the flashing lights and STOP arm extended. Tragic on so many levels, for everyone involved. Anyway, she was found guilty of reckless homicide, convicted  and sentenced to serve 4 yrs in jail, 3 yrs of home monitoring, 3 yrs probation and a 10 yr license suspension. Here's the head scratching part...she's appealing her conviction, contending that the tragedy was "just and accident and not a crime." I can't think of single fucking thing to say about that doesn't include saying the F word!

Whew. OK, now that I've got that out of my system. I'm going back to fucking work now.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

The decade in review

You know I love lists! There are lots of them this month :-)

First up, the most looked up word every year for the last decade;
2019 - they
2018 - justice
2017 - feminism
2016 - surreal
2015 - -ism
2014 - culture
2013 - science
2012 - socialism
2011 - pragmatic
2010 - austerity

Next, TIME's "person of the year"
2019 - Greta Thunberg, environmental activist
2018 - The Guardians and the War On Truth
2017 - The Silence Breakers; those women who broke out and spoke up about sexual harassment, etc.
2016 - Donald Trump
2015 - Angela Merkel, Chancellor of Germany
2014 - The Ebola Fighters
2013 - Pope Francis
2012 - Barack Obama
2011 - The Protester
2010 - Mark Zuckerberg

Top searches on Goggle
2019 - Disney Plus
2018 - World Cup
2017 - Hurricane Irma
2016 - Powerball
2015 - Lamar Odom
2014 - Robin Williams
2013 - Paul Walker
2012 - Whitney Houston
2011 - Rebecca Black, a YouTuber and singer
2010 - Chatroulette, an online chat website
These say a lot about today's world, don't they.

10 Species that went extinct
Tacoma Pocket Gopher
Po'ouli, a Hawaiian bird
Hawaiian tree snail
Eastern puma
South Florida rainbow snake
Ozark pyrg, a freshwater mussel
Pinta Island tortoise, the last one was 100 yrs old when he died in 2012
Clouded leopard in Taiwan
Bramble Cay melomys, it's a mouse
Florida Zestos Skipper, a butterfly found only in the Florida Keys

And this is a list of the top medical advancements of the last decade - facinating!

The top grossing movies of the last decade
1. Star Wars: The Force Awakens
2. Avengers: Endgame
3. Black Panther
4. Avengers: Infinity War
5. Jurassic World
6. The Avengers
7. Star Wars: The Last Jedi
8. Incredibles 2
9. The Lion King
10. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Top 10 best selling books of the last decade
1. Fifty Shades of Grey
2. Fifty Shades Darker
3. Fifty Shades Freed
4. The Hunger Games
5. The Help
6. The Girl on The Train
7. Gone Girl
8. The Fault in Our Stars
9. The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo
10. Divergent

The most watched TV shows every year of the last decade...The Superbowl

Excluding sports, the most watched tv shows of the last decade were American Idol, The Voice and This is Us.

Critically, the top 10 "best" tv shows of the decade were
1. The Leftovers, hbo
2. Fleabag, Amazon
3. Breaking Bad, AMC
4. BoJack Horseman, Netflix
5. Hannibal, NBC
6. Veep, hbo
7. 30 Rock, NBC
8. The Americans, FX
9. Parks and Recreation, NBC
10. Atlanta, FX

And on Amazon, the top selling product from 2010 to 2015 was the Kindle. In 2016 and 2017 it was Echo and 2018 and 2019 it was the Fire Stick

that was fun 

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

19 things happy people never do

1. Compare their lives to the lives of those around them.
          Happy people know that comparison is the thief of joy
2. Spend all their time on social media.
3. Bully others
4. Avoid their emotions
5. Focus on what they don't have
6. Blame others
          For the most part, happy people view their life as their own responsibility
7. or try to convince other to change
          happy people know that they can't control other people's behaviors and don't expect              other to change to suit their liking.
8. or live their life to please others
          they respect other people's opinion but they don't derive their value and worthiness                on the basis of what people think of them.
9. Forget how to live in the moment
          happy people live in the present moment, finding things to enjoy in the now, rather                than obsessing over things that happened in the past or fixating on their hopes and     
          fears for the future
10. or try to control the future
11. Make assumptions
12. Feel sorry for themselves
13. Hold grudges
14. Dwell on failures
15. Surround themselves with unpleasant people
16. Neglect to address things that bother them
17. Keep score with their friends and partner
         in a great relationship, whether romantic or platonic, there are no 50-50 splits of  
         responsibility. Happy people accept the reality in that.
18. Let work take over their life
19. Resist change

Sometimes I don't think I'm a happy person and sometimes I think I'm pretty happy. There are a few things on this list that I should let go of but for the most part, most of this list is true of me. Yay!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Things to make you smile

It's a brand new year! Let's start it off with a smile;

Otters hold hands when they float -  omg so cute

Dolphins give each other specific names

A single strand of spaghetti is technically called a spaghetto

German Chocolate cake is actually just named after an American with the last name 'German'!!

Herring fish communicate by passing gas - come on, that made you laugh

Sperm whales have BFFs, and they never forget them

Some types of aquatic turtles can breathe through their butts

Popsicles were invented by an 11 year old - never discount a child

Cuddling releases Oxycontin - yeah, do that more!

2 teenagers started UPS - ah the enthusiasm of youth!

Blind people smile even if they've never seen anyone else smile - how awesome is that?!!??!

Fresh air is scientifically proven to given you more energy - get out!

Ducks shake their tails when they're happy - I know you just visualized that and smiled

The national animal of Scotland is a unicorn - I like them so much more now

Children of identical twins are genetically siblings, not cousins - Mind. Blown.

The blob of toothpaste that goes on your toothbrush is called a "nurdle" - I bet you think of that every time you brush your teeth now

The Cookie Monster's real name is 'Sid'

7% of American adults believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows - ummmm