Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Halloween is tomorrow and I haven't done a single thing this year to get ready! OH NO. I will be running to the store after work to get candy. I have no idea what Halloween will be like on our new street this year. I hope we have LOTS of cuties in adorable costumes!

In 2 days it will be November and only 54 days until Christmas. Whoa. That's alright, I'm just going to continue enjoying the Autumn weather and falling leaves for now. I'll start thinking about Christmas in a couple weeks I suppose.

In the meantime, here's a great link to some fantastic looking pumpkins!,0,797302.photogallery

And 2 days ago, my best friend of 14 years told me that our friendship had run its course. Isn't that the most bizarre thing you've ever heard? I'm going to attribute it to her excellent skills at detaching from people when things don't go her way. Still, something is fundamentally wrong with a person who can let go of a 14 yr friendship, in an email, without a discussion. *sigh*

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hockey Season

It's Hockey season! Woohoo! No, I don't really care, hahahahahaha. I might though...I don't know anything about hockey. I've been to a couple games and I thought they were exciting, but that was a long time ago. It might be something I REALLY like though, so we're going to give it a try. We're going to our first game in November, just the local team. And if I don't like it, I will have only squandered $15. And if I LOVE it, really, what could be better than a sport that you can go see for only $15?!?!?!?!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I love candy

I know that it doesn't come as a surprise, that I love candy. The sweeter the better.

Anyway, this morning on my way in to work, I stopped at Walgreen's to get a small fan for my desk and drop off Bill's film…on the way out I decided I have held back long enough and got some candy pumpkins. Right next to them is a new Brach's product, called Caramel Candy Corn. Whoa. It is very yummy BUT, they are soooooooooooooooooooo sweet I can hardly stand it! Really, I got about a dz out to eat and after the 5th one, I had goose bumps! I think they are even sweeter than the sugar frosting on a grocery store bakery cake!!!!!!! I don't think I'll be able to eat them all! Whew, what a rush!

Monday, October 6, 2008


This is my head...

This is a wall...

This is early in the morning, after I've turned out all the lights, on my out the door to go to work. See that furniture dolly to the right of the doors? Neither did I....

The next thing I knew....right after I tripped over the dolly...BAM...head long into the wall...
Yup, that's the hole in the wall that I made with my HEAD. Man did that hurt!
Yeah, yeah, it's better than a hole in the head, but still, OUCH!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Can't believe it...

It's October?!?!

September was a busy month for us so it flew by. I'm just barely getting ready for Halloween and the local craft stores have all their Christmas goodies out already!

Well, at least the weather is finally fall like. High 60's all week. Mmmmm, I love the crisp mornings and fresh air. I'll probably not like it so much in a couple weeks when we have to start raking leaves! Oh, scratch that ~ we have leaf blower that's also a vacuum! How cool is that?! And as it sucks up the leaves, it mulches them so you can fit A LOT in the bag! I thinks that's awesome.