Friday, September 13, 2019


I don't know why this popped into my head the other day. It's definitely the kind of thing that could freak you out though, if you thought too much about it. I personally knew 2 people that have been murdered this year. Not friends. Coworkers. Isn't that awful?! I never thought that in my life, I would actually know anybody that could've been murdered. One was a 52 year old woman, who was shot and killed by her estranged husband. The other was a 34 year man with 3 boys and a brand spankin' new baby girl. He was shot and killed trying to help his ex-wife. 
Sometimes it seems like such an ugly world. 

Thursday, September 12, 2019

annoying habits!

Another great list I saw this morning! All about annoying habits. Let's see how much people suck;

* not standing to one side on the escalator
* not holding the door for the person behind you
* not returning your shopping cart
* looking at your phone when you're talking to someone in person - ruh roh
* parking too close to the line in the parking lot - YEAH!!!
* talking at the movies - YEAH!!!
* wearing too much fragrance - holy wow sometimes!
* stopping short while walking - and then I run into you, doofus
* eating loudly
* biking without obeying traffic laws - Aaaagh people! come on!!
* texting while walking - amazing isn't it?
* putting your bag on the seat next to you
* not letting people off the elevator before you get on - I hate that!
* snapping your gum - oops, sorry
* bringing pungent food to work - the only thing worse is burning the popcorn!
* not being ready to order when you get to the counter

There were a lot more but they didn't really seem that offense to me. Like typing in ALL CAPS. Or hitting 'reply all' instead of just, 'reply' Those thing irk me but they aren't usually a habit. There were definitely several terribly rude things on the list though.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Online shopping

What is the cost of online shopping? The cost to you, the cost to the economy, the "human toll."

I wonder what age group does the most online shopping? And who are they buying from? 
You know I'm a fan of Amazon but I don't think Amazon is everything! Of the times I've looked around, I would say that 30% of the time I can find what I want someplace else for less money. When that happens I have to think about it. If it's only a couple dollars, I'll choose Amazon. If it's $5 or $10+, I'll go to the brick and mortar. 
Do you think Amazon ruined business for the brick and mortar stores? Or was it just technology and it was bound to happen? 
My favorite thing about Amazon is the free shipping. I can't tell you how many times I've backed out of an online order because I thought shipping was just too much. I don't really care about 2 day shipping. 90% of the time I choose no rush shipping anyway. And honestly, of the times I've gone w/2 day shipping, (because I really did need it in 2 days) 2 out of 5 times I don't get it on time! It seems though that the majority of the people who shop on Amazon, do it for the 2 day gratification. 
I like online shopping for a lot of reasons. Mostly, I don't like people, so...
I like getting packages, I like not having to get dressed and get in the car, etc. 
I like window shopping too though. Like, I could shop online at Hobby Lobby but it's way more fun to see everything. And I can't buy clothes or shoes online. I think my fella feels the same way about Lowe's and Home Depot. BUT, sometimes he'll go to one of those and then come home and see if he can find it on Amazon for less.
I wonder if I'll like it when Amazon starts using drones to deliver my packages? Whoa! Can you imagine the implications of THAT?!?! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Getting your way

Remember when I talked about Amazon and Google, not playing in the sandbox together?;postID=5929024863758590802;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=4;src=postname

Well, Google Home wants to carry the Amazon Prime Video App for their streaming service. Uh huh. Guess what Amazon said...hmmmm, let me think about it. So Google said, fine, you can have the YouTube app back for your Firestick. So Amazon said, oh ok. Business is so funny sometimes.

We have a mayor that plays like that too. He wanted to build a roundabout at an extremely busy and congested intersection that happened to cover part of the City of Carmel and part of the City of Indianapolis. He told Indianapolis that Carmel would pay for it, 100% and maintain it 100%. But there was this one city council woman in Indianapolis that said, no. She said she wanted a 100% buy in by the surrounding businesses. Well, nothing is going to get a 100% buy in. I don't care how good it is! Anyway, they went back and forth for months and months and months. Finally the mayor said, that's cool, I'm just going to build it 30 feet closer. Now it won't be in Indianapolis at all. So there. I give him a lot of credit for trying to get her on his side. But I really LOVE that he won anyway, without her approval. That was awesome.