Wednesday, January 25, 2017


  1. (in Hinduism and Buddhism) the sum of a person's actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as deciding their fate in future existences.
    • informal
      destiny or fate, following as effect from cause.
    • Karma is the destiny you earn, through your actions and behavior.

Do you believe in karma? I believe that you get what you put into life. If you're a pessimistic, negative, selfish, toxic person, who does nothing but whine and blame others, who is never kind in thought or deed, well...your life is going to suck! Duh. Is that karma? Even you won the 5 billion dollar lottery, you would still be unhappy. You'd be rich, but you'd still be unhappy. Good things might happen to you, but you'd still be unhappy.

I was thinking about that today because an employee in my agency is retiring. She's worked here for 20+ years. She threw herself a retirement party. She provided all the food and decorations and invited everyone. To the best of my knowledge, there wasn't a "chip in" for a gift or anything. Isn't that sad. I guess she's wasn't a nice person to work with. But still, how sad that she had to throw herself a party. 

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

things people with short hair don't know about

Static electricity in the winter. OK, maybe your hair might fly up a little. But if you have long hair, it sticks on everything; the back of your chair, your back, your face, your coat.

One long hair in your underwear. Don't laugh. It's SO annoying! Especially that one in your butt crack. I hate that!

And if you have dogs/4 legged vacuum cleaners, they inevitably will eat one of your long hairs. Eventually, it has to come out. Usually on that last little poop, that's hanging off one of your long hairs. And while it is kinda funny watching them dance around, it's gross to have to help them get rid of that last little poop that's hanging from one of your long hairs.

And what about that one invisible hair stuck inside your sleeve? Geesh.

Oh! and I don't know if this happens to other long haired people, but if you pull your hair up or back or to the side, and leave it there all day, when you take it down all your little hair follicles scream in protest and your scalp literally hurts!

Nah, I'm not gonna cut it off but dang! Long hair is rough sometimes.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

I've got a secret!

Was that a television show? I've got a secret? 
Well, that's not what I'm talking about...I actually DO have a secret. Top secret! Sworn to secrecy!! Noooooooo! I hate having a secret! Who am I going to tell?? I didn't mean that to be funny, I'm serious! Who can I tell?? I have to tell somebody! Whew. Thank heavens...I told my fella :-) I felt better immediately. 

Are you like that? Or can you honestly keep a secret all to yourself? I'm only a good secret keeper if I can tell someone. So I choose someone who doesn't really care about my secret. Someone with no interest in the people affected by the secret. Like, once I knew that a whole department was going to lose their jobs and I couldn't tell anyone. THAT sucked! I told my fella though. That it made it easier for me. Usually, it's my husband. Sometimes, it's Chuck's daughter - she's a good secret keeper because she's an HR professional. Her whole job is about secrets! I would suck at HR! Besides the fact that I don't like people, I couldn't keep all those secrets. My poor fella. He'd probably make me get a shrink!

Friday, January 13, 2017

But where are WE?

See this picture?

There's a big ice storm headed our way. Yay! Weather!! I suspect that all the grocery stores will be packed tonight, in anticipation. You know, because staying home for a day or 2 is SOOOO devastating!! Why does everyone in the Midwest want to make french toast when the weather is bad?
Milk, eggs and bread...always the first to go. 

But where is my home city??? The population of St. Louis is 318k. The population of Wichita is 386k. The population of OK City is 610k. The population of Indianapolis is 853k!!! Indiana is in that blue swatch. But there's no little dot for Indianapolis! Chicago isn't even in blue swatch but IT gets a little dot and name recognition! What the hell???

Thursday, January 5, 2017

random things...

I love this story. It says that if you have a potty mouth, you are a more honest person than most!

I LOVE this story. It's a bout a teen boy who wore a suit to meet his newborn neice, because first impressions matter. How awesome is this guy????

And this story?? It tells me that my salt craving isn't just a random thing. It's in my genes!

The most annoying word of 2016? For the 8th straight year, it's...........whatever.

And now that 2016 is over, you should check out the Washington Posts data base on police shootings for the year. I suspect that the results were surprising to a lot of people. 

It says that 963 people were shot and killed, by the police, in 2016. 465 of them were white, 233 of them were black. There were 22 unarmed white men killed by police and 17 unarmed black men. Interesting. I wonder why we aren't talking about the 963 people killed by police, as a total number, instead of by race? Don't you wonder? 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Happy New Year!

Geez, already? So cliche I know, but where does it go?

Well, did you make any new year resolutions? I never do that. Oh, I guess I shouldn't say never, because in fact I did make a resolution this year. To put my shoes away. I'm the worst with my shoes. I just take them off wherever I am, when the mood strikes. Not necessarily a bad thing, except I leave them wherever I take them off. Kitchen, living room, at the computer table, under the dinning room get the idea. Before I know it, shoes will be everywhere, except in the closet where they belong! I know my husband will really appreciate this resolution.

Also, as a team we resolved to get back on the healthy eating plan. We sorta fell of the wagon a few months ago and it shows. It's nice to do it as a team. It makes it seem like less of a chore and more like a lifestyle. You just can't eat like you did before 40 anymore. Oh sure, we'll splurge sometimes, but it's ok. Life changes all the time. This is just another change. I'm good with that.

Let's see, anything else? Hmmmm. It's been brought to my attention by a couple people, that I wasn't nearly as active on my blog in 2016 as I've been in past years. I wish I knew why. It's not because I was too busy or I didn't have anything to say or because I didn't do anything. I did A LOT last year. And a lot happened in my life last year. I'll have to think about that.
