Tuesday, November 18, 2008

It's that time of year again. Time for family and loved ones, turkey and dressing and my list of all the things I'm Thankful for!

I have A LOT to be thankful this year. I know I say that every year, and every year it's true ~ but this year has been extraordinary.

I'm so thankful, every day, that my Mom is breast cancer survivor. I'm so thankful, every day that my brother is doing really great after being diagnosed with congestive heart failure earlier this year. That pretty much takes up my entire day, every day, of thankfulness, and some days, I don't feel like I deserve to be thankful for anything else because those 2 things are definitely enough. But I am still thankful for all of life’s little joys and blessings;
* I'm thankful as a woman, that I have the right to vote.
* I'm thankful that our new home has a big backyard for the dogs, a garage and TWO bathrooms!
* I'm thankful for comedies, even the really dumb ones like, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry.
* I'm thankful for healthy bones ~ oh, you know why.
* I'm thankful for the color, lime green. (it's so cheerful)
* I'm thankful for wallpaper steamers. Scraping it off is hard and takes SO long!
* I'm thankful for microwave ovens. Really, think about it. Remember when you didn't have one?
* I'm thankful for the smell of autumn leaves and pine trees.
* I'm thankful that every year, the day after Thanksgiving, there are several radio stations that will play Christmas music 24/7.
* I'm thankful that my husband is remarkably patient, constant and loving.
* I'm thankful for my health, a job, a home and the freedom to make choices.

And I am profoundly thankful for my family.

I'm thankful for each and every one of you; all of you contribute to the happiness in my world. My life is amazingly blessed every single day.

I hope everyone has a fantastic Thanksgiving.

Life is full of joy - Bee Happy!

Love Cynthia

Sunday, November 9, 2008


So we went to the game last night and we won, 7 to 3. It was pretty fun! We really enjoyed it and have decided we would even like to go again. We probably need to watch a few games on TV to get the hang of it though. And next time, I would like sit a little higher up.
Our team has a really great logo...

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat

What a let down. We only had 3 small groups of kids :-( And 2 of those groups were tweens. Oh sure, they were funny and creative but it's just not the same as a little princess or sponge bob. The last group was pretty pleased with themselves though...one guy was carrying a cereal box with a knife suck in it ~ he was a cereal killer. Then there was the girl with a bunch of post it's stuck on her shirt that said things like "ceiling beats floor 100 to 3" and "ceilings are #1!" Did you guess? She was a ceiling fan. I have to admit, that was funny! Then there was the girl with the candy Smarty rolls pinned all over her jeans ~ that one was easy, she was a smarty pants. So silly. I guess I'll have to get over Halloween. Rats!