Wednesday, June 21, 2017


I started off thinking I was going to do this post on daylight savings time, again.

But then I was sidetracked by the new Ken dolls. Ken, you know, Barbie's bf?

He has several new looks;

Yes, they did. They gave Ken a man bun. for the love of....
Man I'm glad I don't have little girls!!

OK, back to daylight savings time. You know I hate it. I think we should get rid of it altogether. It serves no purpose. Besides that though, Indiana is so backwards sometimes. Most of the state is on eastern time, which is stupid, but parts of northern and southern Indiana, are on central time. Could it be any more confusing?

I only bring this up, again, because today is the first day of summer. The longest day of the year.
It will still be light at 10:00 PM!! 
Seriously! So you know I'm not just being dramatic, I looked up some other places today, to see what their sunrise/sunset times are, today. 
Indiana - sunrise 6:16 sunset 9:16
California - sunrise 5:39 sunset 8:03
Utah - sunrise 6:14 sunset 8:57
New York - sunrise 5:25 sunset 8:30
Florida - sunrise 6:28 sunset 8:26
Anchorage, Alaska - sunrise 4:19 sunset 11:43  OK, that one doesn't really count :-)

But you get what I'm trying to point out, right. I guess I don't mind all the extra daylight time after work, but I go to bed at 10:00!!! It feels wrong. I can't imagine how hard it is to get your kid to go to bed! 


Thursday, June 15, 2017

Words about women

Bear  with me, it could be long.

being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value

the state of being equal, especially in status, rights, and opportunities.

a set of circumstances that makes it possible to do something

sexist or sexism
* relating to or characterized by prejudice, stereotyping, or discrimination, typically against women, on the basis of sex (Oxford)
* 1 prejudice or discrimination based on sex; especially discrimination against women. 2. behavior, conditions, or attitudes that foster stereotypes of social roles based on sex (Webster)

the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the ground of race, age, or sex.

a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way

* the advocacy of women's rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes. (Oxford)
* the theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. (Webster)

First, I found it interesting that Oxford's definition and Webster's definition of sexist and feminism, seem to have been determined by an era. In the beginning, sexism and feminism were all about women, period. Now, they are clearly about sex discrimination and not specifically against women. 

Mostly what I want to talk about, is feminism. I'm so tired of it. I'm tired of women trying to make men look bad. I'm tired of women using men as an excuse for their misery. I'm tired of women trying to tell other women, how they should think or feel about men and themselves. 

Discrimination is discrimination, regardless of whether it's about sex or race or religion or hair color. How did feminism spin off of equal rights? Every "lesser" group of people or minority or unusual kind of person, has been discriminated against at one time or another. It's about control and power. And it continues until you, the down trodden, put your foot down and stand up for yourself. 

Women fought hard and paid a steep price to earn the right to vote because of discrimination. Women fought hard and long to gain the respect of men. But let's be clear - we are NOT equal to men. We are not equal physically. We are not equal psychologically. We are nurturers and feelers. Men are hunters and gatherers. We have very different brains and we use them differently. But...we are equally human. 

Yes, I know that there still exists, a glass ceiling. And if I want to climb the corporate ladder, I know that I might have to work harder at it than my male counterpart. It's unfair that women's clothing is more expensive than men's or that a haircut for a man and a trim for woman are priced differently. But things are changing all the time. It's encouraging and I wish women would stop looking at it so dishearteningly or with such anger.

I think women are awesome. I think men are awesome too! We each have our own, separate super powers! We both contribute so much to the world, differently.  

So next time you see a Glamour, Vogue, Elle or Cosmo magazine, remember, YOU are a woman. HE is a man. You are different, not the same. But you are both human beings. Knock it off!

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

clothes make the man

How many times have you heard that? How many times have you heard that you have to dress for success and first impressions are everything. Blah, blah, blah.

Who decided how we should dress? When did someone decide what clothing would be acceptable for what situation? Why do business men wear suits? Why do business women wear suits? What is your company's idea of business casual? Why the hell are clothes so important? Not that I want to walk around naked, but why are PJs so comfortable and why can't we wear clothes like that every day?
When did humans become such slaves to the fashion industry??

Oh sure, I understand the need to be covered up sometimes but why on earth did pioneer women wear so much when it was so stinkin' hot out?! Who made her do that??

And I want to know, who thought this was a good idea?

Somebody actually convinced a king that this is what he should wear. Oh brother.

I just want to wear leggins and t-shirts and tennies or slippers. What's wrong with that?

Saturday, June 10, 2017

The year was 1989

That's when my fella and I got married!

10,228 days ago, or 336 months.
100,347,743 + people have been born in the U.S. since then.
There have been 192  hurricanes! 2 named after my husband and 3 named after me :-)
In 28 years, there have been 11 blue moons and 7 leap years.
The week we got married, Wind Beneath My Wings, was the number one song and the average price of a home was $125,000.
There were no cell phones, no computers, no Google!, no Crocs and no bottled water. The Czech Republic, Palau and Slovakia didn't exist.
PC Magazine, Playgirl and Encyclopedia Britannica,  are no longer published. Times sure have changed. My doesn't it go by in a flash!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Live longer

It seems like 2 or 3 times a week I see some kind of headline about someone's opinion or study, on how to live a longer life. 

I saw this one, this morning;
50 Habits That Help You Live Longer-according to science
Here are some of them;
* jog or walk
* eat more plant protein
* get more sun (but not too much!)
* drink coffee
* eat nuts
* don't smoke
* drink alcohol in moderation
* stress less
* pump iron
* eat more fruits and veggies
* stay hydrated
* get quality sleep
* eat more fish
* don't sit all day
* keep your brain active
* think positive - find purpose - maintain friendships - own a pet - laugh - sing...

You get the idea. Is any of this new? Other than the emotional aspects, does most of this seem like common sense? Yeah, that's what I thought too. 

How long do you want to live? Forever? Till you're 100? Older than that? Until a specific event? Have you even thought about it? I forget how old I am all the time, so I guess I don't think too much about it. 

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Good news in the news

Can you believe it! You have to look for it but there are good stories in the news...

HILTON HEAD ISLAND, S.C. — Volunteers have helped a disoriented 400-pound sea turtle make its way back to the ocean off the South Carolina coast.

Hilton Head Island Sea Turtle Protection Project volunteers on Tuesday followed a set of tracks from the surf nearly a mile.

Volunteer Leigh West told The Island Packet, the turtle was tired from all the walking and was missing a left flipper, which made it hard to move. Two lifeguards joined the volunteers as they carried and pushed the turtle back to sea.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

not to rush things,

but I can't WAIT to be retired so I don't have to commute anymore. 
To be fair though, a different commute and final destination, might make a difference. 

I work smack in the middle of downtown, in the big city. While I like being downtown and taking advantage of all that it offers, driving around downtown SUCKS!! The traffic SUCKS. The people SUCK. The drivers SUCK!! It's aggravating and stressful. And occasionally, I'm in a down right crappy mood when I get home. I try not to be but you just can't help it sometimes.

*I just want to tell people, the average traffic signal lasts 60 seconds. 60 seconds people. 
*A yellow light means, stop if it safe to do so - not fly through it while it's turning red, endangering peoples lives! 
*Also, don't be a bully. 
*And stop breaking the law and inconveniencing 100 other drivers just because YOU screwed up and got in the wrong lane! 
Don't people teach their kids to be courteous anymore? I am so irritable this morning and it's all because of my commute. Phooey.