Tuesday, October 31, 2017

buh bye

I saw a list yesterday, you know I love lists, of things in the office that have gone the way of the dinosaur. I took exception to about half of them though, so I won't give you the whole list. Here are some of them though;

the typewriter - we keep a few of them in the store room though
the Rolodex!
carbon paper
airmail envelopes
the office "bar" - such a shame. 
secretary pools - you know, like in Working Girl?
rotary phones
the dictaphone
pantyhose - thank heavens!
office parties held at the office - when there were still office bars!
ashtrays!!! - I wonder if you can even find those in antique stores?
palm pilots
chalkboards - because now they're whiteboards
mimeograph machine - I don't even know what that is

Some of the items on the list that I took exception to are;
flash drives - everybody has one. I don't where this list maker works but they should get out more
cubicles - same as above
sticky notes - same as above
desks with chairs - there's an agenda hidden in this one. sitting is the new smoking so nobody should have a chair. Everyone should have standing desks. Uh huh.
drip coffee machines - come on now. most people aren't going to spend $110+ on a work coffeemaker.

I didn't see the Franklin Planner on the list though. That was huge, back in the day. Anyway, it had some fun things on the list. 

Monday, October 30, 2017

love these!

I love optical illusions! 

 This guy is wearing board shorts that are black and white. 

 this is one of those where the lines are actually straight across, not crooked.

this one practically broke the internet! below is the reveal...

 This isn't really an illusion, but more of a, what's wrong with this picture. If you can't figure it out, I put the answer in the comments.

 Are these craters or sand dunes?? The correct answer is sand dunes.

Basically, your brain thought the sun was in the 1:00 position, casting shadows from the upper right. However, the sun was actually casting shadows from the upper left. If you look at the photo upside down, the illusion disappears. Isn't that crazy!?

 you know this one...both of the monsters are the same size.

This one is neat because it's not really a spiral. They're really concentric circles! Whoa.

The blue and the green background are the same color.

This one makes my head hurt and my eyes water.

Friday, October 27, 2017

crazy stuff in the news

Here's a story about a guy who got pulled over for singing too loudly, in his car! Oh man! I don't sing well so I do ALL my loudest singing in the car! Not cool.


You know how much I love technology! I love gadgets. These are all pretty dang cool. I own several of them!

Here are the best animal photos for October :-)

I love shoes. But seriously, if I were going to spend 15.1 MILLION dollars on a pair, they have to at least be cute!! 

See, it's not ALL ugly, negative news!!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


We just had a whirlwind vacation! It's hard when your family lives close to each other but far away too. You want to see everyone but all the travel time stinks!

Day 1: We flew out to Salt Lake City and promptly drove 4+ hours, down to St. George. We had serious butt fatigue by the time we arrived. The daughter was getting married the next day, in the Mormon temple, which we couldn't attend...because we're not worthy, not being good Mormon's and all. I have a lot to say about that, but I already have, so...

Day 2: The wedding reception was nice. We didn't get to spend anytime with the daughter and new son-in-law though. That was a little disappointing. It was kind of like being the aunt and uncle from out of town, who comes to visit at Christmas. All of my man's siblings were there though. That was fun! And fun for them too. They haven't all been together since their dad passed away a few years ago. It was great to see them all. They're all so different from each other. I like that. 

and look at this extra unique and pretty boutonniere! It's made out of wood shavings!

Day 3: We drove back up to Salt Lake City, where we got to spend some time with the son, his delightful wife and their 5 kids! They drove back from St. George that day too, so everyone was a little road weary.

Day 4: Even though we had lived in Salt Lake for a couple years, there were things we never did, like go out to the Great Salt Lake. So that's what we did! Aaaand we went out to Antelope Island. Both of them were SO much bigger than I imagined! We saw a heard of bison, a couple small groups of antelopes, and a coyote. The bison were the coolest! Really, have YOU ever seen a heard of bison, in person? Then we drove up to Ogden, just to check it out and back to the son's home for the evening. I like all that visiting!

Day 5: Today was mountain day!! I much prefer the mountains to the beach. It was fantastic. When you live in the Midwest, you don't see a lot of topography :-)  There is snow up there already! And it's Autumn, so wow! It sure was pretty, and quiet, and it smelled good. After that, back to the son's home again. They have a very busy household! All that youthful exuberance is wonderful to be around, but whew! That's why you have to have kids when you're young...when you have the kind of energy you need!

Day 6: home again. As nice as it is to get away, it's always nice to come back to the comfort of what you know. Not surprisingly, Salt Lake City has changed a lot in the last 25 years. It's about doubled in size! We really liked it when we lived there but it's too peopley for us now. Yep, we're old!

Thursday, October 12, 2017


* What are you sure of? 
Isn't that a great question?

I'm sure the earth is round.
I'm sure that I don't like mangos.
I'm sure that someone loves me.
I'm sure that smoking is bad for you.
I'm sure that it's impossible to pick ONE favorite movie or song.
I'm sure politicians don't care about me.
I'm sure that I couldn't live without sugar.

Here's another great question (I've asked before)
* How old would you be if you didn't know how old you were?
I'd say, late 30's, early 40's.

* When it's all said and done, will you have said more than you've done?

* If not now, then when?!

Do you have a favorite, thought provoking question?

Tuesday, October 10, 2017


OK, now is a good time to start a conversation between the left and the right and the NRA. And keep talking about it. And keep talking about it! And keep talking about it!

Do you know what the full 2nd Amendment says?

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

That's it. That's all of it. It's not 10 pages long. It's just one sentence.
All of that interpretation from one sentence.

The definition of Militia is;
* a military force that is raised from the civil population supplement a regular army in an emergency.
* a military force that engages in rebel or terrorist activities, typically in opposition to a regular army
* all able-bodied civilians eligible by law for military service.

My first question would be, why does this conversation have to be about the 2nd amendment? I think the answer is, it doesn't. Anything they can accomplish, even if they could work together, won't have anything to do with your right to bear arms. No one would stand for that. And they would accomplish more, if they just said that right off the bat! Sometimes I feel like the NRA is a little like the Union. It had a purpose once. Then, all that power and control went right to their heads and now they're just bullies. Do you know that 84% of all Americans, gun owners or not, believe in universal background checks? That means for everybody. Retail, wholesale and private parties. So why can't you all make that happen?? There isn't a national database? Really? If you're on a no fly list, you shouldn't be allowed to purchase a gun. If you've ever been convicted of a felony, you shouldn't be allowed to purchase or own a gun without jumping through some major hoops. I'm all for a waiting period too. If you're a law abiding citizen, it shouldn't be a big deal to have to wait a week to get your firearm. That doesn't  have anything to do with your right to own a gun. Wouldn't that be a good start? It was OK in 1986, to ban the possession of machine guns by civilians. That ban didn't infringe on your right to bear arms. It's like all the politicians and lobbyists are 15 years old and don't want to be told to get along or use their common sense. Remember when you were a teenager and argued about everything, just for the sake of arguing? Get your heads out of your asses!!

I don't know if changing the law could have prevented what happened in Vegas. But don't you have to start somewhere? Maybe we just need to be more concerned with what's wrong with our morals or our sense of right or wrong. Why is it so easy to talk about who gets to use the men's or women's bathroom, but not about violence or poverty, etc.

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Las Vegas

To all those politicians, late night talk show hosts and news journalist, who uttered ONE SINGLE WORD about gun control yesterday, fuck you. Most of you don't care at all about any of those people and you showed that by promptly making it about your agenda. Shame on you. Would it have hurt you to wait 24 hours!?!?! Couldn't you just focus on the tens of thousands of people who's lives were changed forever Sunday night. What they need, what they went through, who they lost. All of these public figures/entertainers, who obviously felt very emotional about what happened, should have waited to voice their opinions on what needs to done or what should be done, about guns. It's disgusting. Hundreds upon hundreds of people, some waiting for hours, stood in line to donate blood yesterday. They care. In LESS than 24 hours, 44 thousand + people from all walks of life and all over the world, have donated $3,065,400.00 for the victims and their families. They care. It's incredible how deeply some people care. 

Yes, there needs to be a conversation about guns and violence. But did it need to start yesterday? And maybe, you'd actually get further in the conversation, if you waited until everyone's emotions weren't so raw. You're so gross. I'm gonna want to talk about it. But not today. Today, I want to be inspired by the generosity of the human spirit. Today, I want to applaud courage and selflessness. Today, I want to grieve for them.