Thursday, December 29, 2016

Amen, ahem

The past few weeks, my fella and I have been watching the Leah Remini, docu-series about Scientology. I have a lot of respect for her, for standing up to them. It can't be easy to admit how naive and/or gullible you were/are. Clearly, Scientology is a cult. Any organization shrouded in secrecy, has something to hide. Duh. I always wonder though, about those people that get sucked into a cult, what happens in your brain that stops you from reasoning? If any organization told me that my family was the enemy because they didn't hold the same beliefs of that organization; I'd just have to say, go to hell. What stops some people from doing that? And for those people who get out, what happened in their brain that finally made them say, go to hell!

We've had some pretty interesting conversations about religion. I was raised in the Catholic church and he was raised in the Mormon church. We both became adults that have no interest in organized religion. I know that some people find that kind of sad. Others would say, hallelujah! 

Religion in general, fills a need for people though. I was not interested in attending church as I grew up because I felt like they were hypocrites. I didn't like it at the time, that all religions basically said, if you aren't Catholic/Methodist/Baptist, etc., you're going to hell. Most of what I learned about God in the Catholic church, led me to believe that God just wanted you to believe in him. I figured, then why does it matter what denomination you are? 

No, I'm not saying all church goers are ignorant. And I'm not saying all churches are only interested in domination. There are plenty of people out there who strive to be good or better or kinder, in the name of God. In the last couple decades though, NON denominational churches have been popping up everywhere, and gaining in popularity. I suspect, it's because they are driven by the teachings of the bible and not the Pope or the Bishop or the Prophet.

Organized religion is just too subjective. How else can you explain radicals? It's all about power and control for them.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Funko POP

It's so great that I didn't discover these years ago...I would a hundred of them by now! I love them!

They're so cute! My guy just doesn't realize how lucky he is sometimes :-) 

Friday, December 16, 2016

Tired faces

We have a new ad campaign going on in my home town. It started out being directed at drives. Apparently, the number of pedestrians being hit by cars has skyrocketed! A lot of it is texting and not paying attention. But then they realized that pedestrians are just as much to blame.
I like this campaign. One, because it puts at least some onus on the pedestrian. Honest to God, I can't tell you how many times each week, I have to slow down or brake for nincompoops crossing the street whenever and wherever they want. Also, you numskulls on bicycles are NOT exempt from the rules of the road. If you're riding on a city street, number one, use the freakin' bike lanes that we spent millions of dollars on to accommodate YOU. Second, you don't get to blow through stop signs and turn lanes. Geesh! And parents, teach your kids to look around when they're riding their bikes. Why the hell is everybody in such hurry?!?!?!

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

the IRS

First, this is just a little "you're invading my space" rant.
Just because the things on my desk are accessible, doesn't mean you can use them. I hate it when people just take things off my desk, without asking!!! Stop it! It's rude AND it's rude!! Geez.

Now, on to the worst government agency in history, the IRS. Does anyone actually appreciate the IRS? I don't think so. I don't want to be angry, because I happen to have just won my argument with them, but I am. It took 2 years of diligence on my part. I had to succumb to many threatening letters, duplicate and triplicate copies, ignorance and bullying. Me, Jane Doe, a regular citizen with a regular income, in a regular home in the Midwest. Because they came to their senses, I've now officially overpaid the IRS $1837. Yesterday, we received yet another letter from them stating basically that they accept what I've been trying to tell them, for the last two years and that I can expect a partial refund. 
Excuse me? PARTIAL??? What about the interest on what I overpaid you? What about the penalties you made me pay?? How about a refund on the whole amount, assholes. Honestly, I just can't be happy about my win and that really pisses me off!

On a happier note...we're having our first significant snowfall of the season! It's awesome!!
2 hours ago, there wasn't any snow on the ground. Now look:

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Merry, happy, joyful!

I wish people could decorate with Christmas lights all year long. It's so pretty and colorful and cheerful! I dig it. I like it so much, I just bought those super cool fairy lights, so I can "tastefully" decorate indoors!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Remember when... were a kid...what were you're favorite toys or games?

I loved Battleship. The old version.

I think the new digital version is cool though - you can't loose the ships!

My favorite board game was Uncle Wiggley.

I liked building models and making things, like creepy crawlers.
You could make bugs and scare your mom :-)

I liked Colorforms too. I had a few Barbies but she wasn't really my thing. I wasn't really a doll kind of little girl. I was more of a, "it's my backyard, my tree, so I get to be Tarzan!" kind of girl. 

I liked stuffed animals but I didn't have too many of those. But I really loved Breyer Horses! I only had 4 or 5 though. I remember that they were kind of expensive for just just a sit around kind of thing. I had these;

I saw one today on sale at Amazon and it made me remember them, so I looked them up. It was fun. 

Did you play jacks? Me either. Did you do Chinese jump rope? We did that all the time at recess, in Catholic school. How about Lego's? I loved Lego's when I was in 2nd/3rd grade. But when I had Lego's, we only had 4 shapes. That was it. So we had to be creative all on our own. Now they have every size imaginable and Lego's are expensive!! Geez! What about an Erector set or Lincoln Logs? 

It's fun to remember when 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

I didn't get it

There was so much I wanted to say about this article, but at the same time, I can't say anything. It was really tough for me to get through and I had to stop and start 3 times just to finish it.

Thursday, November 10, 2016


Whew! THAT was a long election season. Thank heavens it's finally over. I have to admit though, I did not expect that outcome! It's a whole new ballgame now, isn't it?

The best part now, for me, is reading all the "how did this happen?" articles. I love that people are actually talking about other people's views, now. Better late than never? We'll see, won't we. But I still hate all the "you're so stupid" talk.

Hopefully, in four years our choices will be better.

Friday, October 28, 2016

Right on!

I love this college response so much!

In case you didn't know, there is a movement on college campuses to create what's being called, a "safe space." 

The definition of this, according to Urban Dictionary, is;

A place where college students can go if they have been subjected to ideas that differ from the progressive narrative.

Wiki says:
In educational institutions, safe-space, safer-space, and positive space originally were terms used to indicate that a teacher, educational institution or student body does not tolerate anti-LGBT violence, harassment or hate speech, thereby creating a safe place for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students.  The term safe space has been extended to refer to a space for individuals who fee marginalized to come together to communicate regarding their experiences with their perceived marginalization, typically on a university campus.

Everybody is offended by something, aren't they? I have a whole list of things that offend me. But I deal with it. Most of it is just part of life. It always has been. I've been the victim of sexual harassment - the asshole in question, lost his job because I stood up for myself. I've been discriminated against because I have boobs. I've been discriminated against because I'm not young. I've been physically assaulted. All of those things were unpleasant but they didn't define my life or stop me in my tracks. It's never been a Utopian world and it never will be. 

Thursday, October 27, 2016


And while I'm on the subject of overpaid professions, how about entertainers? You know I LOVE to see live entertainment!! But I have a limit. For instance, I wouldn't pay $100 to see (almost) anyone! 

I think that's why we don't go to the movies very often either. It just doesn't seem worth it. By the time you get your tickets, popcorn and a drink, you've spent $50 bucks! And with the quality of HD TV's, it's practically better to see it on your TV vs the big screen. 

I don't want to diss acting/entertaining here but this REALLY ticks me off...

Seriously???? You made a zillion dollars, live a lavish lifestyle, have things and do things the 'average' person will never know, and you have the gall to say you hated that role/part? Well eff you. You're an ungrateful putz.

Boy that makes me angry.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

It's the little things

What little luxury do you afford yourself? I know everyone's luxury items are at a different priority level. But you know, some little thing you do for yourself that you don't need to. 

I used to say, good shoes. Mostly because I couldn't afford them. And I'm not really brand conscious. So when I bought a pair of Nike's instead of something from Payless, it was a luxury! Now I have old feet that need more TLC than they used to, so I always buy the best I can afford, mostly. 

Same for ink/gel pens. I used to just buy those stupid, icky, smeary .25 cent stick pens. Oh nooooo. Not anymore :-) But you knew that.

I've never been that way about make-up or hair products though. But recently I've purchased several different kinds of eyeliner, trying to find one I like. I think I'm too old for black so I've been looking for a nice brown. I hate everything I buy. But I've been shopping at the drug store or grocery store. I finally took the leap and went to a real beauty supply store. I was a little uncomfortable spending $20+ on eyeliner. But I've spent at least that trying to find something I liked at the other places, so what the heck. Anyway, I love it so much! Oh man it's so awesome! It's going to be my new little luxury. Till I can't see to put it on. 

It's the little things. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Admittedly, I am not what you would call a sports fan. Of any kind. At one time I was a really BIG fan of basketball. Then, they went on strike. At the time, we were really struggling financially and it really pissed me off - there they were making millions and it still wasn't enough and here we were, barley able to pay for food every week. Jerks. So I quit supporting them. However, even when I was a fan, I wasn't a nut. I mean really, it's just a game for heaven's sake. When I read about team A fans, beating up team B fans, I just don't get it. It's a game! 

I understand completely, and can appreciate the skill/strategy involved in being an athlete. The hard work they put into becoming so physically fit. The drive and determination. The excitement of the competition and striving to be the best. But come on. It's a game! A game by the way, that they are being WAY over paid to play. Chess players don't make that kind of moolah. Are athletes better at their job than you are at yours? And why on earth did it ever become ok to pay an athlete millions of dollars a year?? And most athletes don't give a crap about you as a fan. If you've ever run into one and asked for an autograph and been told it's against their contract, you know how much you mean to them. You're paying their salary, but who cares about you. Sorry, but I hate that whole mentality. 

Anyway, I was thinking about all of that because of the World Series. I heard this morning that tickets to a game could cost you up to 12 THOUSAND dollars!!!???!!! What? WHAT?? Clearly, you have to be in the top 1% to be able to throw away that kind of money. But even if you are, would you actually pay that to watch a baseball game? Wow. As a former basketball fan, I can guarantee the view is better from your own living room. And the food is cheaper. And it's climate controlled. And you can cheer as loud as you want to for your team without worrying about getting killed. And you could wear your jammies. And there's no traffic. Oh, and it's not peopley. Yeah, it's better at home for sure. But still...IT'S A GAME! These are the people our society says are worth more than YOU. Hmmm. 

Monday, October 24, 2016


I hate my teeth. As a matter of fact, someday I'm going to want to have a conversation with our maker about teeth. Honestly, couldn't they have been made out of something better?? Something impervious to life. Your teeth are SO important. Not just to your survival either. If you have ugly teeth, people think you're a hillbilly. Or homeless. Often, a beautiful smile will be someones first impression of you. What if you were born with crappy teeth? That are just never gonna look good unless you're willing to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on them. If they were just made better, you wouldn't have to worry about that. 

I brought this up because I recently had to have a tooth pulled - a bottom molar. It sucks. It's a lot more challenging than you think, to just eat on one side. It's tiresome. Only 1/2 your mouth gets flavor. And don't even get me started on those stitches that my tongue can't stay away from! Ewww.

But even after the stitches are gone, it'll be five MONTHS before they can do the implant! Seriously sucks! With all the mind blowing, fantastic, unbelievable medical advances, they can't find a better way to preserve your teeth? 


Friday, October 21, 2016

Working/not working

I get a lot of time off every year.
This year alone, I get 14 holidays off, 6 sick days, 15 vacation days and 3 personal days. That's 38 days off!! SEVEN weeks!!!! That's a lot of time off. Aaaand, my time off rolls over annually, if I don't use it. 

Last year, I didn't use very much time so I had even more time off than normal this year. By the end of the year, I will have had 37 days off and I'll still have 10 days on the books, not including the 3 weeks of sick time I have saved up. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining!!! I've just never had so much time off, let alone used it all!

Anyway...all this time off this year has really made me not want to work!! I can see now, why people use up all their time off every year. The more you use, the more you want :-)

Thursday, September 29, 2016


Google just recently celebrated it's 18th birthday. I love Google. You can find anything, easily, on Google. I think Google and Amazon will rule the world someday. You watch. I can remember the first time someone, an IT guy, told me to use Google instead of...hmmm...what was I using? Lycos? Or Yahoo and Ask Jeeves. Google was better than all of them right off the bat! I never went back. Yep. I love Google. I love Google images. And I love Amazon - the largest selection on the planet.

Anyway...there is one thing Google does that bugs me. Today for instance,  this is their homepage;
But it always bugs me that it'll say, it's so and so's birthday. I want them to say, it's the 117th anniversary of Ladislao Jose Biro's birthday. It's not really his birthday. He's dead. 

I know it's dumb, but it still annoys me.

Friday, September 23, 2016

more from Washington!

Day 3 and 4;

This was another BIG day! We got to go to the White House!

First of all, there were FOUR check points, to get in! I guess it didn't really surprise, but it surprised me? You really get to see a lot of it.

This is the Vermeil room.

This is the East room. The bodies of President Lincoln and President Kennedy lay is state here, after their assassinations.

This is the green room. That's real taffeta on the walls!

This is the blue room. I LOVE that in every single room, there are fresh flowers. It's lovely.

...and the red room.

This is the family dining room - until a couple years ago. Now the First Family eats upstairs. 

 This is the state dining room 

 Photo op in the grand entrance room!!! Pretty cool :-)

 We walked down the same halls that presidents have! Neat.

Our next big stop was the US Capitol. And just let me say it again, unless you've been there, you really can't imagine how BIG it is! 
We got lucky too. The rotunda was open, after a 2 year closure! Just imagine all the history in that building! It really was incredible. We got to see the "crypt". So named because it's where they WOULD HAVE buried George Washington, if the Capitol had been completed when he died.
We also got to go into the original Supreme Court, the Statuary room, which was the original House Chambers and the original Senate Chamber. And of course, the Rotunda - SPECTACULAR.

 The ceiling in the rotunda

My MAN! Thomas Jefferson :-)

The Statuary Room

 After the Capitol, on to the Library of Congress - the most beautiful building I've ever been in!

That was it for the day. It was plenty. Mom is tough cookie! Seriously! We walked between 7 and 10 miles every day. Indoors, outdoors, heat, you name it and she cooked right along. She's awesome!!

Day 4 was a pretty easy day. We didn't get to see Ford's Theater because there was a performance going on. That was a bummer. But we did make it down to the National Law Enforcement Memorial.
I'm sorry to say that we have our own L.E.O. on the wall;

 It's a nice memorial, but far too many names are on the walls.

Oh, and here's the Friendship Arch - largest in the world. A gift from Beijing. It would make a lot more sense if there were a Chinese population to appreciate it!

All in all, it was a most awesome trip. If you've never gone, you must. 

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Washington DC

Day 2!

Let me just say it again...IT'S HOT! Seriously hot, and humid! We aren't sissies but whoa! The weather did confirm for me though, I would have had a short lived life as a pioneer. 

Our first stop was the museum of natural history. This is where you're greeted with this;

I like all the stuffed animals. I know every natural history museum has them, but they're special here. Not the usual coyote or lion. They have some critters you don't see very often.

And check out this dude!

Our next stop was the Museum of Air and Space. This was fun for Mom because she worked in aerospace. Really though, who wouldn't be impressed by this!!!

 4.5 BILLION years old! Take that Mr. Rex!

Our last stop for day 2 was the National Archives Building. So many things in this building will give you chills. It's hard to imagine how it feels to be standing right in front of the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution of the United States. These men, with hopes and dreams and ideas, founders of a nation. Good stuff man!

We ate in the diners in this hotel, a couple times. It's the Hotel Harrington. The oldest hotel in DC. It opened in 1914. It was also the first air conditioned hotel in the city. 

And while we're talking about old buildings, this is St. Patricks Church. The oldest church in the city. It was built in 1792!

I was amazed at well it's held up, what great condition it's in. And it's beautiful inside!