Friday, September 30, 2011

Giving back

It really is a treat to be able to say thank you sometimes.

Today at lunch, 4 of us went to PF Changs. As we were walking in, I noticed a table full military personnel. As it happens, our waitress was their waitress as well. So I asked her to bring me their tab when they were finished. The manager actually brought it over to me and thanked me, told me he applied their military discount and gave us all a free appetizer coupon. That was very nice. Turns out, PF Changs gives a 25% discount!! That's really great. Oh, and the 3 women I went to lunch with got to experience gratitude too ~ every single one of them (8 I think) came over to our table to say thank you. I don't need that but it was nice to get to shake all their hands and say thank YOU.  :-) And Chucks daughter paid it forward and bought MY lunch! And after lunch we went to Yankee Candle and got 1/2 price candles! And, I got tickets to the symphony for tomorrow night, Tchaikovsky! And Mom is taking us to breakfast Sunday morning, to the new omelet place. They have over 40 omelets to choose from. YummO. AND I get to leave early today! Just an hour but it's still going to be nice to miss all the traffic. There's high school football going on...tens of thousands of teens. Yikes.

What a good day!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Today is my baby brothers birthday :-)

I know a lot of people say this about their siblings, but...MY brother really is special (and not in the yellow bus kind of way). He's one of the nicest men I know. He has a gift with people. He's never known a stranger because to him, everybody could be your friend. That accounts for why he has sooooo many friends! He talks to everyone...cashiers, the person next to him at the pump, the person behind him in line, waiters, nurses, his kids friends, his kids friends parents, ALL of his neighbors, strangers in the name them, he'll talk to them. He’s optimistic almost all of the time and he's actually happy almost all of the time too! If he wasn't my brother I would totally want to be his friend. I love him like crazy!

Happy Birthday bubba!!!

I framed and sent them the "big quill"

Monday, September 26, 2011

in case you forgot how old you are...'s that time again;

This year’s entering college class of 2015 was born just as the Internet took everyone onto the information highway and as Amazon began its relentless flow of books and everything else into their lives. Members of this year’s freshman class, most of them born in 1993, are the first generation to grow up taking the word “online” for granted and for whom crossing the digital divide has redefined research, original sources and access to information, changing the central experiences and methods in their lives. They have come of age as women assumed command of U.S. Navy ships, altar girls served routinely at Catholic Mass, and when everything from parents analyzing childhood maladies to their breaking up with boyfriends and girlfriends, sometimes quite publicly, have been accomplished on the Internet.

The Mindset List for the Class of 2015

Andre the Giant, River Phoenix, Frank Zappa, Arthur Ashe and the Commodore 64 have always been dead.
Their classmates could include Taylor Momsen, Angus Jones, Howard Stern's daughter Ashley, and the Dilley Sextuplets.
Ferris Bueller and Sloane Peterson could be their parents.
States and Velcro parents have always been requiring that they wear their bike helmets.
The only significant labor disputes in their lifetimes have been in major league sports.
There have nearly always been at least two women on the Supreme Court, and women have always commanded U.S. Navy ships.
They “swipe” cards, not merchandise.
As they’ve grown up on websites and cell phones, adult experts have constantly fretted about their alleged deficits of empathy and concentration.
“Don’t touch that dial!”….what dial?
American tax forms have always been available in Spanish.
More Americans have always traveled to Latin America than to Europe.
Amazon has never been just a river in South America.
Refer to LBJ, and they might assume you're talking about LeBron James.
All their lives, Whitney Houston has always been declaring “I Will Always Love You.”
O.J. Simpson has always been looking for the killers of Nicole Simpson and Ronald Goldman.
Women have never been too old to have children.
Jim Carrey has always been bigger than a pet detective.
We have never asked, and they have never had to tell.
Life has always been like a box of chocolates.
They’ve always gone to school with Mohammed and Jesus.
The Communist Party has never been the official political party in Russia.
“Yadda, yadda, yadda” has always come in handy to make long stories short.
Video games have always had ratings.
Chicken soup has always been soul food.
The Rocky Horror Picture Show has always been available on TV.
Jimmy Carter has always been a smiling elderly man who shows up on TV to promote fair elections and disaster relief.
Dial-up is soooooooooo last century!
Women have always been kissing women on television.
Their older siblings have told them about the days when Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake and Christina Aguilera were Mouseketeers.
Most have grown up with a faux Christmas Tree in the house at the holidays.
They’ve always been able to dismiss boring old ideas with “been there, done that, gotten the T-shirt.”
The bloody conflict between the government and a religious cult has always made Waco sound a little whacko.
Unlike their older siblings, they spent bedtime on their backs until they learned to roll over.
Music has always been available via free downloads.
Moderate amounts of red wine and baby aspirin have always been thought good for the heart.
Sears has never sold anything out of a Big Book that could also serve as a doorstop.
Electric cars have always been humming in relative silence on the road.
No longer known for just gambling and quickie divorces, Nevada has always been one of the fastest growing states in the Union.
They’re the first generation to grow up hearing about the dangerous overuse of antibiotics.
They pressured their parents to take them to Taco Bell or Burger King to get free pogs.
No state has ever failed to observe Martin Luther King Day.
While they’ve been playing outside, their parents have always worried about nasty new bugs borne by birds and mosquitoes.
Fidel Castro’s daughter and granddaughter have always lived in the United States.
Their parents have always been able to create a will and other legal documents online.
Charter schools have always been an alternative.
They’ve grown up with George Stephanopoulos as the Dick Clark of political analysts.
New Kids have always been known as NKOTB.
They’ve always wanted to be like Shaq or Kobe: Michael Who?
They’ve often broken up with their significant others via texting, Facebook, or MySpace.
Their parents sort of remember Woolworths as this store that used to be downtown.
Frasier, Sam, Woody and Rebecca have never Cheerfully frequented a bar in Boston during primetime.
Major League Baseball has never had fewer than three divisions and never lacked a wild card entry in the playoffs.
Nurses have always been in short supply.
They won’t go near a retailer that lacks a website.
Altar girls have never been a big deal.
When they were 3, their parents may have battled other parents in toy stores to buy them a Tickle Me Elmo while they lasted.
Andy Warhol is a museum in Pittsburgh.
They’ve grown up hearing about suspiciously vanishing frogs.
Refugees and prisoners have always been housed by the U.S. government at Guantanamo.
Women have always been Venusians; men, Martians.
“PC” has come to mean Personal Computer, not Political Correctness.
The New York Times and the Boston Globe have never been rival newspapers.

Copyright© 2011 Beloit College
Mindset List is a registered trademark


Friday, September 23, 2011


I hung a small white board outside of cube a couple weeks ago. I've been writing things on it - for the amusement of passers by. One day I wrote; how old would you be if you didn't know how old you were? Another day I wrote; the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. Yesterday I wrote; the single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place. I write other stuff too, like TGIF! And today it says, Happy Fall Y'all!

Anyway, off and on I've been adding to my list of things to write on the board. This morning I was looking up funny/motivational quotes and these REALLY made me laugh!!!!

Crowded elevators smell different to midgets.

Some people are like Slinky's ... not really good for anything, but you can't help smiling when you see one tumble down the stairs.

I laughed so hard tears rolled down my leg.

Worrying works! 90% of the things I worry about never happen.

My psychiatrist told me I was crazy and I said I want a second opinion. He said okay, you're ugly too.

There's a fine line between cuddling and holding someone down so they can't get away.

Does this rag smell like chloroform to you?

Man has his will, but woman has her way.

Especially those first two. Is that wrong?

OK, on to the weekend....
Tomorrow is the "International Arts Festival" on Main Street. I love our little city. Sunday I'm taking Mom to a Pink Ribbon Celebration luncheon. I would also like to hit Best Buy again. I'm thinking I might like to my own game to play on PS3. It'll have to be a kid game though. I'm not really good with the new dimensional games. Curiously, I'm not very good visually with spacial issues. Go figure. And of course, there's always more quilling to do :-)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Car show

I've been meaning to post some of these pictures for over a week now! These are from our local show on Main Street, for you gear heads :-)

This was the sign outside Mud Bugs Cafe. Alligator?

And this sign was in the seat of this car;
There were ALOT of people there! See waaaaaay down there?

I love the cars that were the same color all over!

Love the wheels! Isn't that cool?

And who doesn't love a Woody?

Bill would give his eye teeth to have this van!

And here's a couple for you buba;

I want one of these!
(only in lime green)

Monday, September 12, 2011

happy, sad, good and bad

That pretty much decribes our weekend.

Saturday, Bill had to work all day. Mom and I went to the local car show. I know it doesn't really sound like a girl kind of thing to do, but it was fun! I'm always amazed at how many people these little main street events attrack.

Then we went to check out one of the local nurseries. Always fun to see what you could be doing to your yard!

By the time I got home though, I had a horrible migraine. It took TWO miracle pills to make it stop!! Then I was just exhausted. That was the end of my entire evenning. Rats!

Sunday, I went to our local Fire Station. There weren't very many guys there! Then I remembered, there was a ceremony that morning honoring them so most of them were over at the park. That's ok though.

Then Bill and I went to upgrade our TV viewing :-) We bought a HDTV and a Play Station 3. I guess you know how the rest of the day/night went for us!!! It was pretty easy to set up and he was soooooo happy with the new game on PS3. He has today off, for his comp day...I wouldn't bet on what he's doing right now! I feel like I must be the last person in the world to have an HDTV. It sure is COOL!! oh, and just in time for Survivor!! Woohoo :-)

Sunday, September 11, 2011


At 8:46 AM, America Airline flight 11 carrying 87 people, crashed into the north tower at the World Trade Center
At 9:03 AM, United Airline flight 175 carrying 60 people, crashed into the south tower at the World Trade Center
At 9:37 AM, American Airline flight 77 carrying 59 people, crashed into the Pentagon
At 10:03 AM, United Airline flight 93 carrying 44 people, crashed into an empty field in Shanksville PA en route to the White House.

Nearly 3000 people were killed
Over 400 emergency workers died that day.
Cantor Fitzgerald L.P., lost 658 employees that day.
It is estimated that at least 200 people jumped to their deaths from the burning towers.
As of August 2011, 1,631 victims have been identified, while 1,122 (41%) of the victims remained unidentified.
Approximately 18,000 people have been estimated to have developed illnesses as a result of the toxic dust

How will you honor the memory of that day?

Friday, September 9, 2011


Today there is a lot of talk about Sunday going on. Almost ten years ago, America was changed forever. Terrorism was no longer a foreign concern in some other part of the world, happening to other people. It became a tragedy in our own backyard. This morning on my favorite radio station, the morning DJ's talked about what they were doing and where they were on 9/11 and how they felt. Some of you have children now that weren't even born then or too young to care about what was going on. I wonder what a teenager or a 20 somethings perception of 9/11 is. I can say that I understand December 7th, 1941 but I can't possibly know how that generation felt. What fears they had. So I guess I don't expect someone under 20 to "get it" in regards to 9/11. I won't ask you if you remember where you were or what you were doing...most of you do of course. But what about afterwards? Did you donate money? Blood? Your time? Did you watch the news every waking moment? Did you feel guilty if you didn't? I remember distinctly, on 9/15, our 17 year old daughter came into our room and asked, "can we watch a movie?" For a brief moment I was so angry at her...but then I remembered, she's 17, the world goes on. In the blink of an eye, her senior year of high school was defined for her. So I happily said yes and she could pick whatever movie she wanted. She chose Grease.  The next day, she chose The Sound of Music. The world moves on.

On the wall outside of my cube at work, I hung up a list of the names of the victims of 9/11. It took 17 pages, in a size 9 font. I sit off of a busy hallway. Lot's of people see it. Some of them comment. Some of them can't. It really hits you hard when you see all those names. All those lives, gone. Mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, spouses...

I expect to have a few good cries this weekend.

This isn't something I've shared with too many people ~ it's something I feel a need to do ~ it's something that feels important to me. I'm going to share it with you now because maybe it will inspire you to do the same. Maybe you'll tell someone else about it and they will be inspired to do the same. Maybe I just want people to think about it...and never forget.

Every year on 9/11, I go to a Fire Station and say thank you to all of the fire fighters. It isn't always the same station. A couple times I went to a Police Station. Sometimes I take a gift certificate to a local bakery with me. Once it was a bouquet of thank-you balloons. Sometimes I just go in and shake their hands and say thank-you. People don't say thank you enough. And you don't really have a lot of opportunities to say thank you to a first responder. Sometimes you just have to go the extra mile...they do.

At lunch today, I'm going to go for a walk and visit the new 9/11 memorial. It won't officially be dedicated until Sunday, but I can go and see it. If I happen to run into a first responder, I'll shake their hand and say thank you. If I happen to run into a member of our armed forces, I'll probably have to hug them.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

right on!

This is what today is on my little daily ME desk calendar :-)

I think I need this framed version for my craft room :-)

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


I hope you all had a delightful long weekend :-)

For us, the weather was wonderful! No more 90+ days! Hooray!! We did some yard work, some shopping, snacking, napping, those pesky house chores, reading and lots of quilling.

In the yard, the man got a hold of the clippers. I hate it when that happens...he just can't stop himself from trimming and clipping once he gets started! Needless to say, there was A LOT of debris to be picked up. We also discovered that one of the trees in the backyard is dying ~ it has this gross fungus on it;
I guess in the spring, we'll have to have it taken out. There's only branch on it right now that has any foliage on it. I know we have plenty of trees but I hate to lose one anyway.

We went with Mom to check out the sale at Kittles. They had a chair she really fell for.

It'll go great with her new dark brown sofa! And it's so contemporary too!
Plus, I got some other errands done too. Hobby Lobby, Michael's and Best Buy. We had the most fun at Best Buy. It's always fun to look at the TVs and computers/notepads. My goodness things have changed. Have you seen the Apple laptops??? I think they're less than an inch thick! Wow!

As for the quilling...I got this totally cool fine tip applicator bottle for the glue. I've been using a straight pin and a little puddle of glue. The bottle is fantastic! As a matter of fact, I started and almost finished my new project! I'm pretty tickled with it. It's for one of you though so I can't post the pictures yet :-) I can hardly wait to get started on the next project!