Friday, February 26, 2010

Weekend fun...

Tomorrow we're headed out to the Motorcycle Expo, which also includes admission the the Indiana Boat and Travel Show. We'll probably skip that part though. We didn't do the expo last year so he's really looking forward to it this year. Sunday night is Harry Connick Jr. THAT will be a good time!

Yesterday, an attorney asked me what I was doing this weekend. I told him. He laughed out loud. He said that was an interesting combination of events. He doesn't know me that well so I guess it sounded a little funny. I was going to tell him I have a tattoo, but he got so flustered when I told him I had a bike, that I skipped that part :-) It was kinda like the time I went to Target and bought a Tim McGraw CD, one by Seal and a Metallica CD. The cashier said "you like a lotta different stuff huh"

We're both finally over our colds so it will be extra nice to get out and do something!

And last night my brother was CRACKIN ME UP with his story about his 23 stitches in his pinkie! I know, it's not funny that he hurt himself but oh my gosh, he is so colorful when he's describing things. Right down to the stitches through his fingernail! Ewwwwww. Poor bubba.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Your Social Security Number ~ FYI

When You Should, Shouldn't Give Out Your Social Security Number
Karen J. Bannan Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just because someone asks for it doesn't mean you have to comply, says Michael J. Arata, the author of "Identity Theft For Dummies," especially since there are only a handful of organizations that actually have a valid need for it. For instance, anytime you're applying for credit -- for a new credit card, a loan, new telephone or cellular service -- the creditor will need your Social Security number to run a credit check. You'll also need to provide it if you are applying for federal or local government benefits such as Social Security, Medicare or Medicaid, unemployment insurance or disability. Another example: If you or your children receive services or aid at the state or local level, such as free or reduced fee lunch or financial aid. The local motor vehicle department, thanks to the USA PATRIOT Act, has the legal right to ask for Social Security numbers, too. In addition, when you complete a cash transaction totaling more than $10,000 you'll be required to provide your number so that transaction can be reported to the Internal Revenue Service, says ITRC's Foley.

Medical professionals have their own impetus, says the ITRC's Foley. "The reason a doctor or a dentist asks for your Social Security number is that, should you die while under his or her care, they are required to put your Social Security number on the death certificate," says Foley.

Even so, fulfilling non-credit-related requests -- even medical-related requests -- is purely optional, says L. Jean Camp, an associate professor at Indiana University and the author of "Economics of Identity Theft." "The problem is that you have the right to say that you're not going to give out your Social Security number, but a business owner has the right to say he's not going to do business with you," says Camp. "Most companies aren't being malicious. They're just being cautious by giving themselves a way to track you down if you don't pay a bill."

One of the best ways to get out of giving your Social Security number to someone is to simply overlook it on your paperwork, says Arata. You may get by without a confrontation. If you're questioned, however, ITRC's Foley suggests being proactive. "The most basic thing you can do is ask the person or organization why they need it. One of the most powerful things you can say is, 'Is there a law or requirement that I must provide it to you, and can you tell me what it is?' You can also ask the person requesting your Social what will happen if you don't disclose it," she says.
Often, as in the case of a school or a charitable organization, they simply want it to use your number as a unique identifier. In that case, says Javelin Strategy & Research's Van Dyke, you'll need to start negotiating again. "Say, 'In order for me to become your customer, I really need you to find an alternative recordkeeping method because I know giving out my Social Security number places me at great risk.' When you say it like that you may get better results," he says.

Even doctor or dentist offices should be willing to forgo your Social Security number -- especially if you have health insurance. And if they won't? Ask to give your information directly to the doctor and have him or her input it into the system for you, says Van Dyke. ITRC's Foley says most medical offices may also feel comfortable without it as long as they have an emergency contact on file -- someone who knows your Social Security number and could provide it in the event of death.

And what of the worst case scenario -- when you absolutely can't get out of it, but you still don't feel comfortable? You can always make up a number, says Camp, but if you do, make sure you write it down and don't inadvertently steal someone else's identity. "If you go this route as a last resort, make sure you put zeros in for the two middle numbers," she says. "There are no Social Security numbers that have double zeros in that section."

When Must You Provide Your Social Security Number?

Credit applications
Cash transactions over $10,000
When applying for certain federal benefits
Military paperwork
The Department of Motor Vehicles
Doctor and dentist intake forms

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Sometimes I get so discouraged by the lack of common sense and an education displayed by folks these days.

If I write to a business, regarding anything, I don't expect to receive a response back from someone employed by said business using the following;
u ~ for you
your ~ for you are
tryed ~ for tried
Or not using any of the following;
or capital letters.

I get the whole texting thing so I understand the abbreviations. But I am NOT your bff. Geesh.

Monday, February 22, 2010

I love my husband...

really I do. He's so funny. Plus, he's a little quirky. After 20+ years, his little quirks that used to make me nuts are kind of endearing now. Hopefully he feels the same way about my quirks :-)

Like his obsessive personality. Only, I wish I could get him to be obsessive about constructive things, like FINISHING THE BATHROOM! It's been almost 2 years for heavens sake. Oh, don't look at me - I am NOT the fix it girl.

Anyway...his latest mental venture has been about owning a weapon. One that goes bang. Hours on the computer researching, reading everything and all the message boards. For weeks. Now he's a walking encyclopedia about guns. It's actually impressive.

He finally got his year end bonus. Betcha can't guess what he did with it? Uh huh. Bought a gun. I could think of 13 or 14 better ways to spend that $$. But it's the only money he gets all year that's just his. And who am I to poo poo his hobbies? I have a dozen hobbies myself. It's just that my hobbies aren't expensive. I did have to put a condition on it though. WE have to learn how to use it, clean it, load it, fire it and all about gun safety. He said okay. So I signed us up for the NRA basic pistol course next month. To tell you the truth, I'm looking forward to it. (don't be scared Mom!)

Of course now that he's done that...I've got the overwhelming desire to buy something totally frivolous. Perhaps a new pair of shoes? Hmmmm


Friday, February 19, 2010

I love sugar :-)

I know that doesn't surprise anybody who knows me. But this was over the top, even for me!
You know my grouchiness yesterday? I ate an entire bag of Sweet Tart jelly beans. Yep, the whole bag!!!! 1400 calories of jelly beans. Three hundred grams of sugar!!! I didn't feel so hot last night ~ duh.

Today is much better though! The sun is out and the high is 36. Woohoo!


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Grouchy me

Okay I admit I woke up a little grouchy this morning. Usually I can shake it off with that first cup of coffee. Not today. And it's only getting worse.

There are a lot of rude, inconsiderate and thoughtless people in the world. Apparently, today belongs to them. If you don't have to, DON'T LEAVE YOUR HOUSE TODAY! Seriously, take heed. It sucks out there! I've always thought this but today I'm sure ~ all the states financial troubles could be solved by handing out moving violations to all "those" people. Really, you know the ones. They block the intersections and then have the audacity to get angry with YOU for being pissed off at them because now you're stuck too! WTF? And then there's those people who realize too late that they need to be in the far left lane (but they're in the far right), so they just STOP and wait for someone to let them in!!!! And the people who speed up when you turn your blinker on to move over. And the people who don't want to wait in a line of cars to merge over, so they just go to the front of the line and cut in. And if you're feeling nice and you let them in, they don't acknowledge your kindness. And then there's those folks who won't following instructions. Granted, maybe they can't read...but if that's the case, how the hell did they get a drivers license?

Plus, I had the worst light timing this morning. I bet I hit 90% of the red lights on my route this morning! I hate that. It can add 5 to 10 minutes to my drive time.

Plus, there's extra traffic on all the little out of the way streets I know because of construction on the main thoroughfare.

Really people ~ STAY HOME! It's not safe out there!!! Eat jelly beans, drink wine, read, watch a funny movie. Anything but go out!

Monday, February 15, 2010

They're baaaaack

The BEST jelly beans ever! But only until Easter, so stock up now!!!! Yum-O

Dogs rule!

It's time again for the Westminster Dog Show. We love this show. I know it may seem like a boring thing to watch on TV, but we find it very entertaining. I bet it's because we love dogs :-)

I've been pestering Bill for another dog. I think he's almost ready to say okay! It would be fun to have a whole pack of dogs. And he says he wants a dog that likes him best. Whatever. I AM the pack leader!!! Oh yeah, the girls like him. But I win every time if they have a choice. Even Greta, whose ear I cut while grooming last night, still loves da mama. I think it's because I gave her extra treats though...cuz I felt so bad! Poor snookie. I bought one of those pedicure things for dog nails. I was going to try it out on her after I groomed her, but then I figured she had been traumatized enough by the ear thing, so I skipped it for now.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Freezing fog?

Yes, you read right. Fog can freeze. Well of course it can. I've just never really thought about it OR seen it. We had freezing fog this morning. It was absolutely beautiful! I know my Mom will probably hate it...she has to walk the dog in it...but it sure made the drive in this morning nice.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Nothing in particular ~

John Mayer is a complete asshole. I like some of his songs but he's an ugly person inside. Why does anyone give him air time or space in their mags? Yuck.

I've officially moved into the "how is it possible for your nose to generate this much snot" phase of my cold. Yeah I know, over sharing. It really is amazing though!

Tomorrow night starts the new season of Survivor ~ Heroes vs Villains. Oh goodie!

I'm so happy LOST is back, but last nights episode was kind of a bust for me.

My husband is the sweetest thing sometimes. He's having a slow day at work so he just called and asked me if I would like him to go to the store for me ~ that way I can just come home after work. Awwwwww. I only had a couple things to pick up, but still...that was nice of him.

This weekend when I go grocery shopping, I'll be pricing and looking at "fresh" foods. Dr. Oz has a 28 day packaged food detox challenge. I can't go cold turkey, but we think we could do pretty well. For instance, I'm not going to make my own condiments and I'm not going to make my own spaghetti sauce, but I'll make my own pasta. I sure don't mind switching to real butter from margarine and homemade ice cream could be a good thing! But I don't bake, so some things will just have to be packaged. I'm not kidding myself, I know it will be tough. We'll see.

And it's okay with me that the Saints beat us. They were better. I was disappointed for all the Colts fans though. They seemed like a shoe in. The Super Bowl ads didn't blow me away though. To tell you the truth, there isn't a single one that stands out as, "whoa, that was cool".

You go Ford! Motor Trend Car of the Year, 2010 Fusion Hybrid. My next car will be a Ford. They didn't take the bail out, I love them for that. All the rest of them got some of MY money, Ford should too :-)

I'm sleepy.

Guess that covers all my nonsense for today :-)

Monday, February 8, 2010

Uh huh...

The whine-ies have definitely set in today. I don't want to be at work, my lips are chapped because my nose is stuffed up, I have a headache, my eyes are either watering or completely dry, my neck hurts and I'm sleepy. Rats. Oh yeah, and the Colts lost the Super Bowl. day is a lot better than my brothers, who is in the hospital waiting to be put under and have his heart jump started. I hope they get to him early and don't make him wait all day. But more than anything, I hope it works!!!!!

Sunday, February 7, 2010


I caught a cold yesterday. Phooey. I'm already tired of sneezing and blowing and wiping my eyes. Grrrrr
I think I get more whiny as I get older too. I think I've earned it though :-)


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Laugh, laugh, laugh

Last night, a co-worker and I went to see Menopause, the Musical. Listen up girls...SO FUNNY! If it's ever in your town, get tickets. Most of the songs are sung to the tune of old favorites...I'm havin' a hot flash, a tropical hot flash. My personal summer is really a bummer, I'm havin' a hotflash. Then there's; ah, ah, ah, ah, stayin' awake, stayin' awake. Oh, and; Puff my God I'm draggin'...hahahahahahaha. You men would laugh too though. Especially if you know one of us :-)

We about a dozen male people there. Definitely a super fun way to spend a couple hours.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Wasn't it just Christmas? Some times I feel like a time traveler, only I can't go backwards :-(

On my drive in to work this morning, I noticed A LOT of Go Colts banners and signs everywhere! It's really fun to see all the excitement. Today there is another pep rally at the downtown mall. I think I'll go over at lunch. We have some pretty funny Colts fans;

Aaaaand, in case you just HAVE TO KNOW;
February is National Snack Food Month! Woohoo!!!

February 19-25 National Pancake Week

February 1 National Baked Alaska Day
February 3 National Carrot Cake Day
February 4 National Homemade Soup Day
February 7 National Fettuccine Alfredo Day
February 8 National Molasses Bar Day
February 9 National Bagels and Lox Day
February 10 National Cream Cheese Brownie Day
February 11 National Peppermint Patty Day
February 12 National Plum Pudding Day
February 13 National Tortellini Day
February 14 National Cream-Filled Chocolates Day
February 15 National Gumdrop Day
February 16 National Almond Day
February 17 National Indian Pudding Day
February 19 National Chocolate Mint Day
February 20 National Cherry Pie Day
February 21 National Sticky Bun Day
February 22 National Margarita Day
February 23 National Banana Bread Day Yummmmmeeeeeeee
February 24 National Tortilla Chip Day
February 25 National Chocolate-Covered Peanuts Day
February 25 National Clam Chowder Day
February 26 National Pistachio Day
February 27 National Chocolate Cake Day I love a celebration!
February 27 National Strawberry Day
February 27 National Kahlua Day
February 28 National Chocolate Souffle Day