Thursday, January 31, 2013

In the news nonsense

First up, breaking news about the secret life of Dan Marino. He had an affair 7 years ago which produced a child and he's paid millions to the baby mama to keep it quiet. The part that killed me though, was when he said he's been married for over 30 years and has 6 children with his wife and his family is still strong and loving. Whatever. I can guarantee DanO, that your wife and kids don't feel the same way you do. Asshole. And oh, I'm not gender biased so shame on that woman too. Really. First of all, having an affair with a married man doesn't make you the victim. Getting pregnant on purpose shows the world just what kind of character YOU have. Oh yeah, she definitely got pregnant on purpose - because in this day and age, there are NO excuses.

Next, the speed limit in the residential areas of Aspen Colorado is now 14 mph. That's not even a subtle way to boost revenue. Geez!

Blake Shelton (a country singer) has 2.5 million followers on Twitter. What?! Wow!

And did you know;
In Nevada, it’s illegal to ride a camel on the highway
Horn honking is not permitted in Oxford, Mississippi as it might scare horses
In San Francisco, it is illegal to wipe one’s car with used underwear
The fine for hitting a pedestrian in Sarasota, Florida is only $78
Ducks have the right-of-way on Rancho California Road at all times in Temecula, CA
In Alaska, it’s illegal to strap a dog onto the roof of a car
It’s illegal to drive blindfolded or to jump out of car going over 65 mph, in CA

Last but not least, if you were a fan of the TV show Friends, this will blow you away;
Monica and Chandler’s twins would be 9 this year
Emma would be turning 11

Phoebe’s triplets would be 15 in October
And Ben would be 18 in May

And this is totally unrelated but do you remember moon boots? I think I should have these;

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

More quilling...

So, this is for a woman who wanted something for a co-worker who is retiring. She saw my art at the silent auction but didn't remember my name so she really had to work to track me down. Cool! Anyway, the retiree's fav color is yellow and she likes butterflies so this is what I came up with;
I hope she likes it  :-)

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Happy me

Mom and I loved our painting adventure at Wine and Canvas  so much that I think we'll do it again!
It was a packed house, 90 artist wannabes;
We were all there to paint this;
This was our snack :-)


Ta da! Her very first painting, EVER! 

 Today I got a little shopping spree at DSW and tonight is dinner at Maggiano's! Yummmmmeeeeee!

Friday, January 18, 2013


Unless you're retired, then every day is tgif.

I have a nice weekend coming up  :-) Tomorrow, Mom and I are going to a place called Wine and Canvas. It's a big studio where you paint a pre-decided picture and drink wine. Really, how cool is that! Mom says she has NO artistic ability but I hear that even a non artsy fartsy person can do this! I'll try to remember to post a picture of our paintings.

Sunday is the annual bee day feast at Maggiano's. Mmmmmmmmmm. I can't wait!

And Monday is an extra day off for me. Woohoo! Disney on Blue-ray here I come.

But my big news for the week is, I finally figured out what the dead baby animals in the backyard were...raccoons. It still creeps me out that some animal had her babies in our yard and left them there but I feel better knowing what they were. It never dawned on me that they could have been a raccoon because until this morning, I had never seen one in our neighborhood. We have possums, foxes, woodchucks, squirrels, chipmunks and snakes but I had never seen a raccoon. Whew - mystery solved!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


I've been terrible about writing! It's not that I don't have anything to say either  :-)

OK, first up, The Jersey Boys! In case you don't know, it's a play about Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons. If you like the oldies, and really, who doesn't - you should see it. It's a lot of fun! I loved how they divided the show into 4 parts - Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. Each season told from the perspective of a different member. I spent the rest of the weekend humming...who loves you pretty baby, you're just too good to be true can't take my eyes off of you, my eyes adored you, and several others. Also, it's playing here for a couple weeks and if every show is like ours, it's cram packed!

Next up...state government. Yesterday our new Governor was sworn into office. This was a first for me in regards to being a state employee. Holy bananas with the security and news media! sheesh. I hope he does a good job. He has some pretty big shoes to fill. I really like Mitch Daniels and I wish he would have run for president.

Let's see...oh...Lance Armstrong. My husband was a true believer in Lance. Lance was like a hero to him. He is sad. That kind of surprised me because he is normally SO sceptical of everybody. I thought Lance was lying. And truthfully, I don't really care about them using PED. They all do it. That kind of makes it a level playing field. But I don't like that he lied about it - vehemently. That ticks me off.

Oh, and Jodie Foster is gay?! Seriously?! Alright really, didn't everyone know that already?

And last but not least, today I got my first custom quilling order from a complete stranger! She saw my work in the silent auction last year. She wants to give a friend a quilled piece of art so she had to really ask around to find out WHO did those and WHERE to find me! Yessssss. Neat-O

Monday, January 7, 2013

winter schminter

I don't want people to complain about how cold it is like they're going to die if they go outside. Geesh, it's winter, in the Midwest.  It gets cold every winter. Most winters it snows too! I like the snow. It's pretty. At least you don't live in Minnesota! Not that there's anything wrong with living in Minnesota. It's just that they get A LOT of snow and it gets super duper cold there! I love living somewhere that has 4 seasons. If I didn't, I wouldn't have moved here. I bring that up because the radio station I listen to in the morning had a pole about the weather. The winning opinion was, "come on summer". Pshh. Seriously? Winter just started and already people are whining??? Whatever. I guess those folks will bee happy that it's going to be in the upper 40's this week. Phooey. And no, I'm not picking on anybody in particular...just sayin'

The year in review

I forgot to mention, my idea of printing out all the fun/big things we did/saw last year to read at dinner on New Years Eve, was a big hit! Hooray! I folded each one and put them all in a cup and we took turns at dinner pulling one out. Some of them were;

Finished the library/craft room
Celebrating another year cancer free
Going to Niagara Falls
Seeing Earth Wind and Fire
Getting a new sprinkler system
Getting hearing aids
Getting a new car

It was fun to look back on the year like that. So this year, I'm going to use one of my 'many' empty jars and start filling it up with things at the beginning of the year. Like, this Saturday, Mom and Chuck's daughter and I are going to go see Jersey Boys. We're all really looking forward to some fun music.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

hAhaHAHAhahAHa !!!!!

I can't believe I did this...

Let me preface my story with;
every morning when I'm getting ready for work, I take an allergy tablet and a vitamin D.

OK, so yesterday, I was soooooo sleepy. I don't mean, ho hum I'm sleepy, I mean, OMG I have to go to sleep right now! But of course I couldn't because I was at work. I got up out of my chair a lot. I was really struggling to stay awake. And it wasn't because I didn't sleep well the night before - I did. Anyway, after I got home, made dinner and ate I fell right asleep on the couch. I guess it was about 6:30. I woke up a little before 10:00 and went to bed and slept alllllll night. This morning I felt pretty good. But it weird, being that sleepy for no reason.

Now, here's the end of my story;
My husband takes a 'sleep aid' occasionally. I know you know where this is going right? The bottle of sleep aid happens to be the exact same size as my bottle of Claritin. I was in a hurry and coincidentally, they both also happen to be same color and shape pill. Uh huh...I was so damn sleepy yesterday because I took a sleeping pill!!!!! What a doo doo head. Well at least I know why now!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


...will be a lot better if we don't have to hear anything from or about the following people;
Lindsey Lohan
Paris Hilton
ANY Kardashian
Jessica Simpson
Really, WHY are they even newsworthy?? I just don't get it.

Also, I'm SO on board with the list of words that should be banished, starting with "fiscal cliff"

There's also a list of the best new words of 2012. My favorites are, 'meh' and 'mwahahaha'

I love the end of the year when they make up all these lists! I love lists!!

It was great to hear from the kids on new years day - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

But look at these super cute family members that actually DO adore us!

No, she didn't get her own's just paper. She loves tearing up the paper!

There was too much activity for Pepper but she really wanted to be around us so she found a spot under the tree. When it got to be too much for her she just turned around and looked out the window.