Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Seriously? NO WAY!!

Wow. Obviously this list was made by some freaky chocolate lover!


Candy Corn? I LOVE Candy Corn. And Smarties!?!? You know, you can only get those 3lb bags full of Smarties at Halloween. I got one for my brother for Christmas because Smarties are HIS favorite! Most hated? Na uh. And anything that isn't edible?? What?? I can tell you from experience that that's NOT true. Mom and I give away toys or little stuffed animals every year and all of those little monsters and goblins LOVE them! Ha! Lists are stupid.

Monday, October 28, 2013


A few weeks ago, Mom, Bill and I decided to try one of the local breakfast buffets. At the very least, all you could eat bacon would have made it worth it for me J

When we found a table and sat down, I thought to myself, “that was pretty cheap. I wonder if she forgot one of us”.

So I looked at the receipt.

I don’t mind the discount, I guess, but really???? I look like a senior? That’s it! I’m gonna color my hair.

Guns and drywall

Home renovations stink – when you’re doing it yourself. Everything takes soooo long to do. Saturday he spent most of the day in the attic moving the wiring for a light switch and running wires so we can have light in the new closet. It was a lot of work and if it had been up to me, there would be no light because no way in hell would I be crawling around in the insulation! Usually I’m a patient person when it comes to things like that. But now? Well…I’m sick and tired of NOT having a closet! It’s been FOUR weeks now. OK, granted, after the first week he’s only been working on it during the weekends because who wants to work after working all day? I get that. And he missed a full weekend because he was on call. But geez! I can’t find my shoes and my clothes are spread out all over the house! Humph. Da mama aint happy. All of that being said, having a handy DIYer in the house is sure saving us a TON of money! And I really, really do appreciate having a husband that do just about anything. He stinks at drywall finishing though. Yesterday, after  a couple of hours of sanding and cleaning up he had to touch up the corners. By last night he had decided that they need to be completely redone. I hate drywall.

Are you a gun owner? I didn’t know this but if you are a gun owner it’s a little like eating potato chips…you can’t have just one. Why? Oh right, I keep forgetting. Zombies and/or a revolution. Uh huh. I’ve also heard, is it possible for a woman to own ONE purse? Well of course not. But for that very reason, woman don’t tend to spend hundreds of dollars on ONE purse. Also, I’m a little worried about what he’s going to obsess over next! I love his passion though. Honestly he’s a walking gun encyclopedia. It’s really impressive!

I wish he would find a hobby that he could sustain in his retired years. Because gun shopping won’t be on the list.  Neither will home renovations!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

in the news...

Rawr! This one was just too funny to pass up J
If you're heading to the zoo in Surrey, England, leave your leopard print at home. Saying they believe clothing featuring animal prints confuses the animals, Chessington World of Adventures has issued a zero tolerance policy on visitors wearing the prints. The zoo will have clothing to borrow for anyone sporting an animal print.

Did you see this story? Oh man…it broke my heart! But…now it has a happy ending! Whew!!

Foster child asks church for new parents: 'I'll take anyone' [UPDATED]

Could someone please pass the Kleenex? We just found ourselves a new role model for bravery: Davion Navar Henry Only, who wants a family so much that he went before a crowded St. Petersburg, Fla., church and asked if someone would please adopt him. Davion was born into Florida's foster care system 15 years ago, and he found out earlier this year that his birth mother died. A touching story in the Tampa Bay Times reports that Davion decided God helps those who help themselves, so with the help of his case worker, he stood up in front of the congregation at St. Mark Missionary Baptist Church one Sunday last month and asked for a new mom or dad. ''I'll take anyone," Davion told the Times. "Old or young, dad or mom, black, white, purple. I don't care. And I would be really appreciative. The best I could be." So far, two couples have shown an interest in Davion, and we're wishing him a happy ending very soon. As he said when he took the stage last month: "I know God hasn't given up on me. So I'm not giving up either." Update: Davion will "without a doubt" be getting a new family, his caseworker, Connie Going, said on "The View." The agency that represents him has received more than 10,000 requests from people seeking to adopt him. Going said that Davion will be part of the process of choosing his family. "He knows what he wants, who he can connect to," she said. "We need strong families that understand teenagers."

MSN pulled a list of the worst Halloween candy out of the air;

Reese’s Peanut Butter Pumpkins
Candy corn
M&Ms candy corn white chocolate candies
Tootsie Pops
Sour Patch Kids
Fun Dip
Sugary bubble gum

I think it’s silly but who am I to say what appropriate grieving is?!
Here’s the link to the whole story;

A soldier's family is battling a cemetery for the right to erect two unusual monuments in her honor.
A soldier's family is battling a cemetery for the right to erect two unusual monuments in her honor.
Kimberly Walker loved the cartoon character Spongebob. So when the Army soldier died, police say at the hands of her ex-boyfriend, her family erected monuments of the animated character.
Her family says it is the perfect tribute, but the cemetery disagrees.
"We went through the channels to get these plots and also to get these monuments and then you just turn around and walk away like we're nothing," said Deborah Walker, Kimberly's mother.

Monday, October 21, 2013

I love to quill. Yep, I do.

OK, so I thought I might have some trouble with this one. It's 6 sided and I wasn't sure how the little edges were going to come out. But it turned out to be alright. I have a couple of these and I wasn't sure if I would use them. I'll do another one though. It's differen and it wasn't as complicated as I thought it would be. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Story tellers

Today I have the day off. It's Columbus Day don't you know. So I'm spending it quilling and catching up on things I've recorded on the DVR. Right now it's a James Taylor/Carol King concert. Now is a good time to watch it because my other half isn't home. He's not a fan of that style of 'hippie' music.
I love James Taylor's voice. It's just so...sweet. And Tapestry was one of the BEST albums ever!

It's a pretty good concert. Taped at The Troubadour. He told a story about almost song he played. And I thought, I love a story teller. Duh. I guess that's apparent when you see my book collection. Obviously though, it's not just authors. I just love a good story teller. Maybe that's why I enjoyed Ricky Skaggs so much. Sure, I like Bluegrass. It's fun! But I really like him in concert because he's a story teller. He likes to tell what he loves about the music and the song he's getting ready to play. How he came to write it. Who inspired him. It's good stuff man. It's his passion. Nice.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Love, or something like it

I'm so sick of all this "love child" crap! Seriously? Arnold Schwarzenegger didn't have a child with a woman he loved. He screwed his maid. Puhleez. That hypocrite Jesse Jackson didn't have a "love" child. He doesn't even care to see that child. No love there! Same for John Edwards. WHY does the media want make it sounds so "love"ly? It's like glorifying infidelity and being a jackass is cool. Grrrr.

I'm also sick and tired of hearing and seeing poor, sweet, wonderful, talented, beautiful actor, Cory Monteith, who died of a heroin overdose because he was fu*king drug addict. You know how I feel about that. What really pisses me off though is how the media is making it sound like the world lost a saint. Why isn't the media taking this opportunity to talk about the risks of choosing drugs? Instead, poor poor Cory is a dreadful victim. Makes me want to scream. Oh hey, it's not that I don't feel sympathy for his family and friends, who will carry the guilt of his death for years. I do. I'm sorry that they lost someone they loved. It is tragic for them. But he was no hero and he was certainly no victim. Someone did tell me though that at the end of the show he was in, they put up some kind of 800 help number. Whatever.

I hate the media.

Home renovations...

Well, I wish I could say we're done, but alas. That's ok though, at least it's not messy and dirty anymore. This weekend I get to start moving thing into my cool new walk-in closet! That will make me happy, really happy. It's a 3 day weekend for me and my man is on call...you know what that means don't you?! That's right! It means I can do whatever I want! Hobby Lobby here I come! I need some more Papier-mâché ornaments to quill. I donated a couple to a silent auction, along with the witch's cauldron;

The ornaments have been super fun to do! And I'm thinking about Christmas gifts...so I better get my butt in gear!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Home renovations day 4

We have a walk-in closet! We'll, no rods are up yet but the closet is built. Everything in 2 closets has been relocated for now...and just let me say...I have A LOT of stuff! Why?!?! Why do I have so much stuff??? Ugh. My GoodWill pile is ginormous! And I have A LOT of shoes! Holy bananas. Ok, enough of that.

Today we've been tearing down walls. You know how easy they make that look on those DIY shows? We'll I'm here to tell ya, it's NOT that frickin easy. As a matter of fact, it's hard and it's dirty and when WE take a commercial break, all that crap doesn't mysteriously disappear!   They never show you that part do they. You know why? Because no one would ever do any home remodeling if they did. Oh yeah, and we're old. Not too old, but almost. 

Thank heavens we get a nice break tonight. We're going to go see Ricky Skaggs and Bruce Hornsby. Really looking forward to some great foot stompin' knee slappin' good times music and not being tired and sweaty and dirty. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Home renovations, day 2

We decided to expand our master bedroom and build a walk-in closet. It seems like a DIY project we can actually do ourselves. 

First we had to clean out the extra bedroom on the other side of our closet. It was a tough job. The extra bedroom had turned into the "junk drawer" of the house. Next, I had to steam and scrape off the wallpaper border. If I never have to do that again it will be too soon. Every single room in the house had some kind of wallpaper when we moved in. Yesterday we did all the prep work and bought the materials. Today we are putting up the walls for the new closet. Now, let me stop here and say that my other half is notorious for not putting things away...thus, everything is always lost when he needs it. Today it's been both of the tape measures, the new box of blades for the utility knife and the drill. Today's progress has been slow. But that's ok because in between he's been cleaning up!! 

We don't usually work we'll together so this has been a nice project so far.