Thursday, September 29, 2022

Pandemic Life

You know I think it's so interesting, how the pandemic affected people on an emotional or mental level.

Today I read a study that said our personalities have changed! It said, "psychologists have long believed that a person's traits stayed pretty much the same, even in the wake of stressful events." Turns out, that's not really true. "By looking at pre-pandemic levels of neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness and comparing that to dat collected in 2021 and 2022, researchers found notable personality changes among the US population." One of the researchers said, "In other words, people are not crazy, it's been a hard few years on all of us. So much so that there has even been a small effect on our personalities."

I see it almost every day. People are more selfish and thoughtless. Imagine how this is all affecting today's little people. Fascinating.