Wednesday, August 17, 2022


Do you have a favorite comedian? I've seen some of the best, live. Robin Williams, Jay Leno, Cosby. I'd like to see Seinfeld's stand up act. I love the stand up routine of a guy named Brad Upton, but he really only has one routine. Back in "the day," I thought Gallagher was funny as hell! I like Ricky Gervais most of the time. I love the old clips of the Carol Burnett show with Tim Conway and Harvey Korman. 

I like serious comedy too. Like Dennis Miller and Bill Maher. This clip from Bill Maher's show, about actors, really made me cheer!

I keep trying to watch some of the more popular comedy movies...most of them though, I can't even get through 1/2 the movie before I roll my eyes and turn it off. I like to laugh, really I do!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Did you know, on average, Americans are paying $700+ more, per month, than they were paying last year?!?!?!?!?  Think about that. It's costing $700 more a month to live. Thankfully, I don't have to drive into work everyday so I don't notice the pinch regarding gas. But, food? Wow. Just for the two of us, we're spending at least $300 more a month on food. Because the value of our home has risen dramatically in the last year, our property taxes have gone up. To meet that difference in our escrow account, our mortgage payment is a $100 more a month! For us, there's $400 bucks right there! That's a lot. What are people doing to get by? I mean, 20 years if we would've had to spend that much more, our kids would've been hungry. They/us would've done without a lot of things. That's crazy.  

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Time again

Can you believe it really is August already?! Kids are going back to school already. I didn't go back to school until Labor Day. I didn't get out of school until Memorial Day. I guess it's that whole, year round, schedule? I like that. I think a whole summer is too long to be bored and get into trouble :-) I got into a lot of trouble during the long summers. Thank heavens my mom didn't know about most of it! hahahahahaha

I love all the back to school sales too! There's paper and folders and stickers and colored pencils and markers and gel pens!! ohhhhhh, all the cool stuff! I always loved my new school supplies. Plus, now you get great sales on computers, tablets and cool accessories! It's a crafters dream :-) 

It all signals cooler weather is coming too. I like that part as well.

Aaaaaand, it's a little closer to 2023 and the end of daylight savings time! Yesssssss! I hope all the clock manufactures are busy making non-changing clocks. Oh, I guess we all don't use clocks the same way anymore. I do. I still have an alarm clock in the bedrooms and a small one by the TV. I still look for clocks when I'm out somewhere. Dork, right? 

The State Fair is going on right now too. I love the fair. It's my one chance at an elephant ear, all year! I can't wait. And the smells, all the smells. It's a pretty fun day. 

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

food. glorious food

Dieting is hard. SO hard. Some people have had to diet their whole lives. I used to feel sorry for them. I don't anymore. At least they know how to do it! If you never had to watch what you ate and now you do, it's hard. SO hard. It's hard not to overeat. It's hard to give up the things that are unhealthy. Also, I don't like carrots. What is there to snack on?'re not supposed to snack. I like snacking. No, that's not right. I love snacking. I could just snack alllll day! And throw in a salad here and there. Dieting is SO hard. I'm having success but still. Take last Friday for instance. I was needing some happy food. So I went to a place called Fat Dan's. Great name, right?! Anyway, they have a dish called Dirty Tots. OMG!!! Tater tots covered in melted cheese, hot sauce, green onions and BBQed pulled pork. I'm not gonna lie, best. food. ever! And I was happy. Super duper happy! But there isn't a single thing that's healthy about that dish. Dammit! If I were a normal person, I would've just eaten like 5 or 6 of those suckers. That's not what happened though. I ate almost every single one. I thought I would feel guilty. Nope. Well, maybe a smidge. I did walk on the treadmill extra over the weekend. Why don't they make serving sizes for normal people. No one ever sits down to watch a movie and says, oh goodie, let me eat these 9 chips now. Dumb. Just say, right on the bag, 1 serving is 1/2 the bag and if you eat a whole serving, you might die. There. That makes more sense. And who in the hell eats a 1/4 cup of rice?! What is that, 3 bites? Dieting is SO hard. Oh ok, it is getting a little easier. Honestly though, all the best healthy food is expensive and labor intensive to make. It does make you more mindful about what you eat. Still, dieting is SO hard.