Friday, August 29, 2014

Flashback Friday

I always think it's so funny how fashion in the 70's is perceived. It seems like most people who didn't live it, think we dressed like this;

That's not entirely accurate! We kind of classed up the 60's hippie thing. We started out with bell bottoms and then switched over to straight legs, both of which were high waisted. Designer jeans weren't really hot until the early 80's;

We wore peasant tops and blouses or tank tops or halter tops. That was pretty much it. We didn't really wear t-shirts, ever! Oh, and we wore short shorts too :-)

I had a halter top just like that, in black. And this pattern below, with the criss cross back? I made that in high school. LOL

I still have a couple things packed away, leftover from high school. One is a pastel tye-dye that closes in the front w/ribbons. My mom HATED that top! And a long denim halter dress. I loved that dress. 

Well, that was fun!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I want this. I REALLY want this. It might be my first piece of real art! I actually would spend a lot on this!
It speaks to me. Look at it! It's AWESOME!

The artists name is Daniel Smith. This work is called Stillwater Crossing.

We saw it in the Eiteljorg Museum a couple months ago and I fell in love with it. I still love it. I want it. I will give up my unhealthy relationship with needlework to have it!


Well, my fella is feeling old now. I hope that on most days, it doesn’t get to him but I know on some days it does. This year he reached retirement age officially. Of course he’s not going to retire right now though. The biggest reason is because I told him he couldn’t. No way is he gonna sit around on his butt for 10 years waiting for me to retire! The other reason is, I know that he needs something to do and I’m pretty sure that he’s not ready to quit just yet. He was worried about how his employer feels about him though. It turned out to be OK for him! They asked him if he was going to retire and he said he would like to wait for a few more years. They were happy with that and asked him if would be interested in a lighter work load. He took a couple days to think about it. I thought it was awesome that they want to keep him AND make it easier for him! He said he didn't really know how to feel about their offer. After a couple days, he saw the light :-) So, starting next week, they are moving him to the corporate offices. They said he has such great customer service skills he’ll be perfect over there and they are looking forward to having him. Go figure!  The property manager of the 2 buildings he takes care of right now, sent out this nice email to all the current tenants;

It is with mixed emotions that I inform you that our lead Maintenance/HVAC tech, Bill XXXX, has decided to take a maintenance tech support position at our Corporate Parkwood campus.  Bill's decision was based on the fact  he is nearing retirement and would like to ease the workload required by our lead technicians.  I know I speak for many, including myself, when I say Bill's positive attitude and willingness to please will be missed.

Bill's last day at Parkwood 8 & 9 will be this Friday, August 29.  I am excited to announce his replacement will be Steve Davenport, who will be starting on Tuesday, September 2nd.  Steve has been a Maintenance technician for thirteen years with extensive experience in both medical and Class A office buildings.

Bill will be escorting Steve around the remainder of the week for tenant introductions.  Please join me in wishing Bill good luck on his future endeavors while also welcoming Steve to the buildings.


That was really nice and it made him feel pretty good. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

I'm in!

Bill and I made our 'reservation' for this car over the weekend;

American made and engineered for:
·       84 MPG Highway  Highest Safety Standard $6,800·  

        NO, I'm not kidding! I dig it. Plus, I LOVE that somebody is taking on the big three. I'm totally in for that!    I sent a picture of it to my girlfriend and here was her response;
      OMG, it looks like a Little Tykes car.  So cute.

THAT was the THE BEST LAUGH I've had in days!!!! Thank you!!!

My need to collect things

So, I think I may have developed a need to collect things. Why is that? Sometimes I worry about my Mom’s need to collect food…but I won’t ever again! When I was looking at my last post, it dawned on me that I collect several things! Suns, jars, pens, refrigerator magnets, books, needlework kits (yes, I ordered several out of that great catalog!), bees and almost anything in lime green (chartreuse). Oh, and I’d like to collect salt cellars…and Disney figurines…and minions.

OK, I’m fairly certain I’m done with the suns though. I have one for every window in the sunroom, that’ll do. Plus a couple really cool big ones that I love – like the one on the front of the house. Here come my justifications; I’ve always had ink joy. Even when I was single and poor, if I had a couple extra bucks I always bought a pen. And the fridge magnets only come from places I’ve been. I don’t go to that many places so it’s not like I have 100’s of them! OK, so the book thing…yeah, not giving that one up for sure! And Bill will throw out the excess jars so that one probably won’t get too out of hand. As for the bees, I’ve only personally purchased about ½ a dozen of them. ALL the rest of them come from other people! How cool is that?!?! But I honestly don’t have anything to say in my defense about all the cross-stitch and needlepoint kits.
And what the hell am I going to do with Disney figurines? Or minions? Or salt cellars? OR…what am I going to do with all those beanie babies???? Actually, that one’s kind of easy – any children’s hospital/home will do.

I confessed about the needlework kits to my fella, secretly hoping he would reel me in. He didn’t! He said he couldn’t really say anything about my piddley collections that didn’t hold a candle to his, money wise. That made me feel better – like maybe I should start collecting purses!!!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

In case you weren't sure....

...I'll confirm it...I'm a nut.

On top of one of the bookcases in my library/craft room, are a dozen empty jars of varying sizes. Under the kitchen sink, in the very back, are more. AND, in the cupboard that we don't really use because it's a dumb size, in a dumb place, there are MORE. I love jars. I don't know what I'll do with them and when the man finds them in the kitchen, he'll throw them out. Which is OK...I'll just collect more :-)

The other thing I have too many of is needlework kits. Some cross stitch, some needlepoint. Even a couple crewel/embroidery. I have at least a couple dozen. Yesterday in the mail, I received this really great catalog

There are several kits in here that made me go - oooooooooooo! In my life, I will never do all of these. In my head, I think I love needlework. The reality is though, they take too long and I become bored with them. I have 3 or 4 started...Is that going to stop me from ordering out of this catalog?? I'm almost ashamed to say NO! It's true, I'm a nut.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

How can this be??!!??

Last night when the news alert on my phone went off and I saw the headline that Robin Williams had died, I looked at it for several seconds. I thought, what? Robin Williams is dead? THE Robin Williams? No way!

My Mom and Bill and I saw his stand up act in 2002 at the auditorium at Purdue University. When the show was over, we happened to walk behind the auditorium. There were a couple dozen people hanging out at the back door so I made Mom and Bill wait. Sure enough, Robin came out. He was a totally different person then the one we had just seen on stage. Sweet, charming, kind and delightful. He chatted with everyone there, stood patiently for pictures, signed autographs. I just watched. I was expecting him to be a kinetic whirlwind of energy. Nope. Just a regular guy who exhibited a sincere appreciation for his fans.

His death makes me feel sad.

Monday, August 11, 2014

funny things

Everyday when I walk on the treadmill, Greta lays at the ready. I'm not sure what she thinks she's guarding me from but it sure is sweet.

she lays there, right outside the door or she lays in the bed;

When I walk at lunch, if the weather is bad or questionable I walk indoors, in the tunnels. I bet the visualization you get is something like this;

Creepy, old, lonely.

Nope. Our tunnels look like this!

Carpeted, well lit, painted. There's even art on the walls! It's nice :-)

And lastly, my fella watches a show on cable called, Xtreme Offroading, or something like that. Anyway, every time I see the host, I think he looks like somebody else I've seen;

Yesterday, I finally figured it out!!!!!
Don't you think so too?!