Wednesday, June 29, 2011

I couldn't pass this up

I found this on MSN; the dumbest things said by beauty queens.

Miss Beverly Hills 2010, Lauren Ashley,
On gay marriage: “I feel like God himself created mankind and he loves everyone, and he has the best for everyone. If he says that having sex with someone of your same gender is going to bring death upon you, that’s a pretty stern warning, and he knows more than we do about life.”  I feel like, oh never mind, you're from Beverly Hills.

Lauren Caitlin Upton - Miss Teen South Carolina
Response to why 1/5 Americans can't locate the U.S. on a map: "I personally believe that U.S. Americans are unable to do so because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have maps and, uh, I believe that our, uh, education like such as in, uh, South Africa and, uh, the Iraq and everywhere like such as, and I believe that they should, uh, our education over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, should help South Africa and should help Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future for our children."  So like, huh? Did any part of that make sense? How old a teen was she? 14?

Carrie Prejean - Miss California
On whether or not God opposes breast implants: "No, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with getting breast implants as a Christian. I think it’s a personal decision. I don’t see anywhere in the Bible where it says you shouldn’t get breast implants."  OK, ask a stupid question and you get a stupid answer, right?

Nadine Tanega - Miss Hawaii
At Miss World American 1992: "We are truly the land of the great. From the rock shores of... Hawaii... to the beautiful sandy beaches of... Hawaii... America is our home."  No honey, only Hawaii is YOUR home.

Jeannie Anderson - Miss Philipines
Question: Would you rather be more smart, or more beautiful? "Well, I'd rather choose to be beautiful, um because, to be beautiful it's natural. But being smart you can learn... you can learn, um a lot of things... a lot of things from the experience... you can learn from a lot of things being smart."  Um, yeah, what she said

Alicia-Minique Blanco - Miss Arizona
Should the U.S. have universal health care as a right of citizenship? "I think this is an issue of integrity regardless of which end of the political spectrum that I stand on. I was raised in a family to know right from wrong and politics, whether or not you fall in the middle, the left or the right its an issue of integrity, no matter what your opinion is, and I say that with the utmost conviction."  I see a political future for her!

The Pearl Harbor Girl
What is the most important event in our nation's history? "In my opinion, Pearl Harbor which occurred on December 7, 1941 was the most significant event in our nation's history because [long pause] because it ended the great depression and forced us into the World War II, and... [long pause] ...And our country experienced patriotism and unity." Seeing as she's 'the Pearl Harbor girl', thank heavens she got the date right!

Miss Panama
Explain the Confucius quote "Learning without thought is labor lost": "Good evening, Panama. Confucius was one of whom invented confusion and that's why, uhh... One of the most ancient, he was one of the Chinese.... Japanese who were one of the most ancient. Thank you." I'm NOT a beauty queen but let me take a stab at it...if you don't really think about what you're learning, it's a waste of time? I bet I'm pretty close.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Dalton Ghetti

I got an email from my Mom with this guys art in it. SO AMAZING I just had to share!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

My expanding library!

Oh man, the Half Price Books sale was awesome! It was so fun, I almost went back on Sunday. And Mom went hog wild too! I think she said she ended up with 21 books! Plus some movies and CD's as well. We had a whole cart full! After almost 3 hours, we finally had to stop ourselves :-) I was especially proud of myself for getting some "out of the ordinary" books for myself;

Airframe by Michael Crichton
Prey by Michael Crichton
Next by Michael Crichton
Skipping Christmas by James Patterson
Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
Snow Day by Billy Coffee
A Beautiful Place to Die by Malla Nunn
A Little Yellow Dog by Walter Mosely
Complete Idiot's Guide to Total Nutrition
How to Embroidery
Totally Weird and Wonderful Words by Erin McKean
A Christmas crafts book
A Christmas treats book
Some girly book I can't remember the name of
and a collection of Nora Roberts w/Honest Illusions, Montana Sky and Carolina Moon.
Oh, and 3 movies:
The Phone Booth

All for $36.00

Someday, when I retire, I'll NEVER be bored!

But I didn't grout the bathroom tile. I feel so guilty. Phooey!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Ahhhhh Friday

LOVE Fridays. First of all, there's breakfast. YumO. Then, it's a very quiet day at work. I like that. Then I can start looking forward to what's going on this weekend.

Tomorrow is Half Price Books 2nd annual clearance sale ~ at the fairground! Everything is $3 or less. Books, movies, music. Yessssss. It could be a total bust but you never know. Then, grouting the new bathroom tile. The ball is in my court now and I don't want to be the one who is holding things up! Also, I have a couple movies on the DVR that I want to watch. I haven't seen Inception yet. Mostly because it's a l-o-n-g movie. You know how I feel about committing to those. And Darling Lili :-) It's an old one, with Julie Andrews and Rock Hudson. I saw it in the theater when it came out, in 1970. I remember liking it so I recorded it off of TCM. Julie Andrews = singing...Bill will hate it.

And Angie's dad says the weather will be delightful tomorrow so I guess I better get out in the yard and do something :-)

And just for fun,
Some of them are a little creepy but some of them are really funny!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bee Cool!

Today is the first day of summer, officially (well, in 6 minutes to be exact). It's been summer for me for a couple weeks now, ever since I saw the first lightning bugs! Today, the sun won't set until midnight in Indiana. Just kidding. It will only seem like that. It'll be 'light' out until 9:49, because we're in the wrong time zone, because of wonky politicians.

If you want to know what time the sun will set in your neck of the woods, you can find out here;

Happy summer everyone :-)

Monday, June 20, 2011


My goodness with the weather this morning!

We're on our 2nd storm already and it's only 10:00.
And look at this!
Yep, 3195 total lightning strikes this morning!!! It's be one continuous rumbling, for hours. I had to change my route this morning because there were so many stalled cars due to high water in the street. Right now it's raining so hard that it looks like fog when you look across the street. It's crazy out there!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A mom AND a dad

I have a nice long weekend coming up. I have LOTS of vacation time so I'm taking tomorrow off :-) The man has tomorrow off as well so we're going shooting and whatever other manly thing he wants to do. Tomorrow is his Dads day from me. Why not Sunday you ask? Because that's Moms bee day! So Sunday should be all about her. We have a plan, but because she reads this, I can't tell. hahahahahahaha!

Saturday will be spent grouting the new bathroom tile and cleaning up in general. I'm SO excited!!!! After 3 years it's finally going to be finished!!! Woohoo!

Yesterday I decided to send John the Jerks son my email addy and told him he could contact me that way if he wanted to. He did. We had a delightful conversion catching each other up. He's very nice and didn't mention JtJ. Neither did I. I hope that it didn't hurt his feelings. He said he has some nice childhood memories with me. That was really nice to hear. He seems to be happy to have touched base with me. You just never know do you.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The social network

Do you have Facebook? Is there anybody that doesn't? I have a Facebook page but I don't do anything with it. I got it so I could play Farmville with my brother and stalk my family. I don't ever post anything on my page. I don't understand how it's possible to have 500 + friends? Really? Do you actually know all those people? And how often do you check on them, through FB? Do you look for people on FB? You know, like grade school friends, old boyfriends or girlfriends, people you went to high school or college with? And why do you do that? I've looked up high school friends ~ but not because I want to connect with them. I just want to see what they look like as old people :-) And why would you send them a friend request? Most of my family has a FB page and I admit that I like checking in on them to see what's new or look at their pictures. That's fun. That's about the extent of it though, for me.

I brought all that up because the weirdest things happen to me on FB. First there was the guy I dated a zillion years ago. He sent me a message on FB. He apparently wanted to connect with me for some reason. I just thought it was weird that he even bothered to try and find me on FB after 25 years. Then there was the brother of an ex friend who sent me a friend request. Uh, dude, your sister and I aren't friend anymore so what were you thinking?? I deleted his request. Then, last night when I logged in, there was a friend request from this guy that made me fall out of my chair! He's the son of the man I lived with before my husband. You remember, John the Jerk? When I broke up with JtJ, this son was about  11/12 years old. That would make him about 33/34 now. OK, granted I had a pretty good relationship with JtJ's kids but why in the world would one of them want to look me on FB??? That's so crazy to me. Then I thought, I guess you never know what kind of impression you leave on peoples lives.

Hmmmmm. Interesting.

Monday, June 13, 2011


Apparently I'm a science fiction kind of gal when it comes to movies. And action. I like romantic comedies but they're pretty much the same formula. I love a good chick flick too. But when it comes to actually going to the theater to see a movie on the big screen, it's always sci-fi/fantasy. Of course, I rarely go to the movies.

Bill and went to the movies over the weekend. We saw Super 8. It was fantastic! I loved it. I can't remember the last time a movie made me gasp! Cool. Also, I loved the kid factor. I love movies with kids...The Goonies, ET, Stand by Me...I will probably want to own Super 8.

Over the weekend we also watched Deathly Hollows, part 1. Now I'm caught up :-) And even though I haven't seen any of the Harry Potter movies on the big screen, I'll go see the last one at the theater. I feel like it deserves a big screen viewing. And for fun, we also watched the 4th Shrek movie.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Today in history...

22 years ago, at approximately 6:00 pm, I became a wife and mother. 22 years ago today, I promised to love, honor and cherish, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, for the rest of my life. Whoa. That's a pretty big commitment. And I took it seriously. Which is why we are still married to each other. We meant it when we said our vows. We didn't think, "we'll see how it goes" or "man, I hope this works" or "for now". In those 22 years we've faced our fears together, shared our hopes and wishes, raised 2 kids, struggled with financial issues, overcome cancer, laughed a lot, moved a lot, gotten on each others last nerve and loved each other ~ always. We've never given up on each other. We've also never been disrespectful to each other or called each other names. Well, maybe in our heads, but never out loud. Are there things I would change? Of course. No marriage is perfect and I was a little sad reading an article in Yahoo about how 40% of the people polled thought marriage is becoming obsolete. That's too bad. It's too bad because there's nothing better than knowing someone's got your back. We're comfortable with each other and it's a great feeling. It's a great comfort in life knowing you can trust your spouse to be there for you. Knowing that even when we get on each others last nerve - tomorrow will be better. Knowing we will support each other in (almost) any endeavor. He's my biggest fan!

Happy anniversary honey, I love you!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What's that? Girls are dumb? WHAT!

This really bothers me too;

It ranks right up there with girls calling each other bitch/beotch, as a term of endearment. That one really gets me. It's not cool. It's not cool for teenage/20 something male friends to call you a bitch either. It's not cute or funny or hip. It's disrespectful and degrading and a whole lot of women older than you, made sacrifices you'll never have to, just so you can buy a car or become president of the United States. Women are still not earning equal pay. Women are still paying more for their clothes. Women are still being treated as lesser human beings. You want the rest of the world to take you seriously? Then you better take yourself seriously. You're more than a pretty face and a pair of boobs. WOMEN rule the world!!!!!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

brain freeze

Ha! I bet you thought I was going to talk about eating ice cream fast!
Nope. I'm talking about the long version of "a senior moment".
My brain freeze started last month sometime. I know that because today is June 7th and I just realized yesterday that it's JUNE. June is a busy event month for us too.

The daughters bee day is today. Our 22nd (thank you very much) anniversary is Friday. Fathers Day and Moms bee day is coming up as well. Oh, and there's flag day and summer solstice too!

June also means that the year is almost HALF OVER! *sigh*

For the most part, I don't really mind getting older. I like the gray streaks in my hair. I don't mind taking longer to do things. I don't care about wearing glasses ~ although I'm really looking forward to the other eyeball getting bad enough to have that lens replaced as well. I've accepted the fact that I'm never going to weigh 125 pounds again. It makes me laugh in my head when I say things like, "when I was a kid". I don't dislike my laugh lines, if I didn't have them then I wouldn't have enjoyed my youth as much as I did. Oh, and I'm not crazy about rigor mortise setting in if you sit for longer than a few minutes in the same place. The ONE thing I really don't like though? Time goes by so damn fast when you have less of it. I hate that!!!

Friday, June 3, 2011


Just when I think the whole male population has been transformed into a bunch of mindless droids, one comes along and redeems the lot of them.

Indianapolis isn't as big as some cities, but we aren't a little berg either. Our downtown is pretty busy. And like other big cities, we have our share of road construction. Also, like other big cities, we have our share of pedestrians who don't pay attention. This morning I was on a 5 lane one-way street, turning right on to another 5 lane one-way street. I didn't have to stop at the intersection because I had the green light and there were no pedestrians in the cross walk. Right after I made my turn, in the middle of the block, a man started running across the street. I had to do a little swerve to pick a different lane and then decided to just stop and let him go. He stopped, then continued, walking, looking at me shaking his head and grumbling. Ya know, I expect that kind of attitude from some punk ass kid, not a mature man in a business suit. There are crosswalks for a reason asshole.

Twenty minutes later, as I was leaving the cafeteria with my coffee and water, a gentleman went out of his way to open the door for me. That one act of kindness redeemed the whole male population for me. I feel better now :-)

This weekend we will be laying bathroom tile! Woohoo!! We might be done with the bathroom by the end of summer...3 years later. Yesssssssssssss

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

In the news...

...mostly dumb things;

The nations worst appetizer is Applebees Sampler with a whopping 2590 calories. Except that they didn't mention that it's actually big enough for a party of 4. Seriously, who would eat a whole sampler by them self???

Cell phones MAY cause cancer, but probably not. Why do they waste space with maybes? A living dinosaur MAY be discovered tomorrow! Why don't they write about that? A UFO MAY crash on the White House lawn next week. Why don't they write about that? It's possible that a giant earthquake could strike, any second, in the Midwest and demolish whole cities! Why don't they write about that?

Naomi Campbell, the diva model with the bad temper? says
"I am shocked. It's upsetting to be described as chocolate, not just for me, but for all black women and black people. I do not find any humor in this. It is insulting and hurtful."
The ad reads;
"Move over Naomi, there's a new diva in town," and shows the candy bar nestled in diamonds.
Umm, yeah, I don't get it either. Oh wait!!! I get it now...everybody look at me!!!

An Oklahoma pharmacist who was a hailed a hero by some, was convicted of murder for shooting and killing a robber. The whole story is, two teens come running into his store, guns a blazin'. The pharmacist shoots at them. He hits one in the head and the other one ran away. So far, I don't see an issue, do you? OK, here's where it gets dicey; after running after the one who ran out, he comes back into his store, walks over to the kid laying on the ground, walks to the back of the store where he gets another gun, comes back out to the kid laying on the floor and shoots him 5 more times. Pardon the sick pun, but isn't that overkill? How do you feel about that?

Gone With the Wind turns 75. In case you're wondering, I do give a damn. It's an original chick flick aaaand one of my all time favorites.

There's a new product in town, selling like crazy at your local convenience store. Brownies called Lazy Cakes - laced with melatonin. Call me crazy but isn't that akin to a legal pot brownie? Look at that little brownie, he totally looks stoned!