Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Scary shi*t!

Do you like horror movies? I love a good scary/suspense movie but I'm not a fan of slasher movies. A whole lot of people are though! I think there's a difference between horror, just scary, slasher and thriller. We have a son-in-law that is a huge fan of the horror genre. He's extremely well versed in it. It isn't just about the blood and guts for him. He appreciates all the little nuances and he likes that feeling of being frightened; like that moment at the top of the roller coaster, right before you plunge to your death! Hey, some people only like high school humor comedies. Some people only like documentaries. Anyway, you know I love lists. So here is the top ten list of the scariest movies of all time;

10. King Kong 1933
9. The Birds 1963
8. Repulsion 1965
7. Son of Saul 2015
6. Frankenstein 1931
5. Werckmeister Harmonies 2001
4. Invasion of the Body Snatchers 1956
3. The Bride of Frankenstein 1935
2. Rosemary's Baby 1968
1. Psycho 1960

I haven't even heard of a couple of them! The list is actually the top 100, and if you're interested, here's the link;

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The Oscars

Did you watch the Academy Awards?

I didn't. Not because I haven't seen any of the movies. I saw 1/2 of them. But because I got tired of being held captive while people who think they're better than me tried to force me to listen to their opinions - about politics/social injustice/war, etc. Meh. I go to or watch movies for entertainment. That's not to say that occasionally I don't watch those "based on a true story" movies. But even then, unless it's a real documentary, it's still acted out.

Anyway. I read last week that viewership of the Oscars last year was down almost 75%. WOW! Well...there was a pandemic. Not a lot of movies were made. Not a lot of theaters showed those movies, so, duh. I guess they were hoping to bring people back in. Now, all that being said, what do you think about the slap seen 'round the world?! Was that real or staged? I mean, that seems pretty out of character for Will Smith. And Chris Rock handled it remarkably well. Hmmmm. 
If it wasn't staged and it was a real moment, (brought to you by actors) why is it so hard to believe? Because they're actors? Because you think Will Smith is a nice guy? Or is it because of our fake culture? Shouldn't we be more concerned that if it was real, we aren't appalled at the violent outburst?

I personally think almost everything in reality tv, is scripted. And I don't bat an eye anymore when an entertainer lip syncs a live performance. Marketing execs used to at least try and make you believe in the illusion. Now, everyone knows that pictures are photo shopped and air brushed. Everyone knows that a Whopper will NEVER look like that one in the commercial!! And still, we accept that. There have been tv programs that show you how it's done. No secrets. People will call out obvious photo shopped mistakes on social media. It's so crazy!

It all seems pretty coincidental, doesn't it?

Monday, March 28, 2022

What has YOUR state done?

One of the channels I subscribe to on YouTube is The World According to Briggs. Briggs is a funny guy. All he does is lists. Lists about states. Top ten states with the best weather. Top ten states that no one wants to move to. Top ten states with affordable housing. Top 10 reasons not to move to Wisconsin. He does city and small town stuff too. Some of it statistical and some of it based on opinion/surveys. But they're fun. Last week he did one called, Coolest Inventions From Each State. Ready?

Alabama - the electric hearing aid 
Alaska - ranch dressing
Arkansas - movies with sound in 1923
Arizona - the taser
California - the iPhone in 2007
Colorado - the cheeseburger
Connecticut - vulcanized rubber (and nylon)
Delaware - Kevlar
Florida - air conditioning (and Gatorade)
Georgia - the cotton gin
Hawaii - surfing
Idaho - the television
Illinois - the transistor
Indiana - the washing machine in 1874
Iowa - the 1st gas powered tractor
Kansas - helicopter
Kentucky - bourbon (and the song, happy birthday)
Louisiana - Jazz
Maine - the diving suit
Maryland - bottle caps
Massachusetts - Facebook
Michigan - the automobile assembly line
Minnesota - rollerblades
Mississippi - Pine sol cleaner
Missouri - the ice cream cone
Montana - the portable heart monitor
Nebraska - the ski lift
Nevada - blue jeans
New Hampshire - the Segway
New Jersey - the lightbulb
New Mexico - the atomic bomb
New York - toilet paper
North Carolina - the airplane
North Dakota - the Kodak camera
Ohio - the traffic light
Oklahoma - the parking meter
Oregon - Wiki pages
Pennsylvania - bubble gum
Rhode Island - automatic sprinkler system
South Carolina - the military submarine
South Dakota - the cyclotron
Tennessee - cotton candy
Texas - the electric typewriter 
Utah - airbags
Vermont - sandpaper
Virginia - chap stick
Washington - Windows operating system
West Virginia - steam boats
Wisconsin - the blender
Wyoming - the first National Park

..."be nice to each other"

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

I'm SO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's Time!!!

Senate passes bill to make daylight saving time permanent!

Monday, March 14, 2022

It's time again!

You happened again...changed my clocks. Ok, well I didn't actually change any of them. They all changed magically, by themselves :-) Except for the one in my car, which I don't ever change anyway because it's so complicated! I did see this year though that there is more talk about ditching the change! You know I'm all for that!!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

what's next?!?!?!

-Inflation, that's what! And I'm not just talking about the price of a used car or a new home or an extra buck at the gas pump either.

You know, for the last 6 weeks or so, our grocery bill has been about $40 to $50 more. We do a full shopping every couple of weeks and fill in where necessary. As the bill has gotten higher, I've thought to myself, we're so fortunate that we can afford this increase. But last week, it really slammed  into me!! We went to the store for "some" things. We did buy a couple things we don't usually but we didn't buy any meat, and very little produce. Anyway....$151.00. OMG! It literally made me feel nauseous. $151!!!!!! Holy smokes. Then, this morning, my fella put 3/4 of a tank a gas in my car and it was $60.00. Thank heavens for teleworking. It's only 2 days a week but it's going to make a big difference. When he told me that, how much it cost, my first thought was, lots of people won't be able to afford to go to work! How freaking absurd is that?!?!?! 

I don't know how this can go much further. Some prognosticators are pretty confident that we'll see $6 + a gallon for gas. It's pretty close to that in some states already. 

I suspect Aldi and Walmart will become a lot busier. There will be less vacation travel for sure. The world we live in right now seems so precarious, in so many ways. It makes me sad.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Quilled cakes!

There's actually a category for cake quilling!

Look at these beautifully delightful cakes!!!

Wow!!!  Wasn't that fun to see?