Wednesday, April 22, 2015

evolution and political correctness and ME!

Isn't it funny how things evolve into other things. 
HR (human resources) used to be called the personnel office.
Free range kids used to be called latch key kids.
Post traumatic stress syndrome used to be called shell-shock.
Iran used to be called Persia, and the King of Siam would hail from Thailand now!
And an administrative professional use to be called a secretary.
I'm not gonna lie, if someone wished me a happy secretaries day, I would be OK with that  
I'm not hung up on titles.

My boss brought these in for me today;

Super sweet! Today is her last day too. It's so nice to be appreciated.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

a jack of all trades....

...and a master of none. That's what my husband says about me. You know, it's that "I'm a dabbler" thing. And according to Steal Like An Artist, that's perfectly OK! HA! 
Today he said that because I'm gunning for another new hobby! See, tomorrow is secretaries day...oh wait...Administrative Professional's Day. One of the departments I support, got me a $50 Amazon (largest selection on the planet) gift card!! I love Amazon. They're going to run the world some day. Oh yeah, anyway, I bought a wood burning kit and a how to book. I've always wanted to give that a try :-) 

I also bought these super cute cross stitch kits;

Yeah, yeah, I hear you. NO, I don't need another cross stitch I'll never do. It's kind of like jars though. I can't stop myself!!! I need help.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

My favorite read this year...

10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative
By Austin Kleon

It might be the most delightful little read ever! 

If you're a creative person, you should read it. I promise, it's a lot of fun!

If you're not a creative person and are just wondering what the 10 things are, here ya go;

1. Steal like an artist
2. Don't wait until you know who you are to get started
3. Write the book you want to read
4. Use your hand
5. Side projects and hobbies are important
6. The secret: do good work and share it with people
7. Geography is no longer
8. Be nice
9. Be boring
10. Creativity is subtraction

And I loved this little segment; Practice Productive Procrastination. I knew right away what he meant before I even read it!! I always love it when I find validation that it's OK NOT to finish things :-)

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


These things made me laugh till I cried!!!

and this one REALLY sent me over the edge!!! 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Poor Greta

Poor Greta. Greta is 11 years already. She's the sweetest dog EVER! She's super smart too. And nothing bothers her. Seriously. You can drop things on her, push her off the bed with your feet, cover her up with a blanket, anything and she just rolls with it. I wouldn't have guessed that anything could actually traumatize her! Boy was I wrong.

One day last month, Bill came home from work and she was nowhere to be seen. Of course he panicked!! His first thought was, "OMG, I left her outside at lunch!" It was freezing cold that day. So he hurries out back and calls her...nothing..."Shit, she's dead!" He walked all around the Greta. He back in the house, "Gretaaaaa, wanna treat??" Nothing. Finally, he looks at Pepper and says, "Pepper, where's Greta??" Pepper ran straight out to the sun-room. So Bill is out there calling her and still nothing. Then he notices that Pepper is over toward the corner of the sun-room. Sure enough, there's Greta, under the workbench, behind a couple cinder blocks, shaking like a leaf. Bill had to pull her out of the corner.

When he finally goes back into the house with her, he sits down and tries to soothe her and that's when he heard it...a small high pitched, little beep. Huh? Every couple of minutes. After another 10 minutes, he figures out that the battery in the CO2 detector is dying and it's beeping to remind us. THAT'S what traumatized her??? Yep.

Now, anytime she hears a little high pitched beep, she starts vibrating! Oy. Poor Greta. You would be surprised at all the things that beep! Last night I had to mute the TV because there was a scene with someone in the hospital and when they flat-lined and the heart monitor started beeping, Greta went over the edge!!

I hope she gets over it!!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

crap in the news....

...there's been A LOT of crap in the news lately! Geesh! I can't always tell you why a story catches my eye though. Of course you'll know exactly why some of them do...

Like this awesome story about dogs and cats;

And this one was fun in a quirky sort of way;

Then there was this crazy story about Penn, from Penn and Teller. He lost 105 pounds in THREE MONTHS!!???

This one goes in the "bizarre" category for sure;

And of course there's all the news about that STOOPID cop who killed the guy as he was running away. But the headline that really made me go, "huh," was this one;

It said something about shooting sparks protests. I didn't read them all but my thought was, protests? What the hell are they protesting. The guy was charged w/murder, fired and thrown in jail. I don't get it. Oh I'm sure there's more to it than that, but the verbiage was bad.

And last, but not least, this story about becoming younger!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday, Monday...

This morning, before 8:00am, I ate an entire package of Peeps. Oh the marshmallow-y sugar coated goodness. But then I felt guilty so I finished off my 2nd pineapple! I can NOT stop eating pineapple!! Seriously. I ate a whole pineapple over the weekend. OMG! My tongue hurts. I guess I better slow down :-(

I felt like I needed a nap by noon. 

I hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend. It was beautiful in my hometown. It's about time! Things are sprouting everywhere you look! It's fantastic. My man put up a new back door for my Mom. It has a built in doggie door. Bud already knows how to use one of those and when he realizes that he can come and go whenever he wants, it will be life changing for him!! It will probably take Molly awhile but I bet she'll like it too.

We skipped the Easter egg hunt but we did enjoy our annual Easter enchiladas. Mmm, mmmm, good. I only make them a couple times a year - they're a pain in the butt to make, but man are they yummy! I'm looking forward to leftovers tonight! Maybe with a nice salad. Anything to counteract all that sugar!!

Saturday, April 4, 2015

certainly not complaining....

...but our town is full of bored cops. It's nice to know we live in such a low crime city, but sometimes it's pretty funny. For example, several years ago, the stereo was stolen out of our Jeep. When we called the police, to file the report, two cars and a motor showed up. Silly.

This afternoon on our way to the grocery store, I was going around the roundabout and noticed that the scenery  seemed  a lot different. I got half way around and realized that the forest had been knocked over! So we drove over and stopped to look, speculating about what was going to go there.

Next thing you know, there's a cop behind us... getting out of his car... coming up to my window... he saw us sitting there and stopped to make sure we were OK and/or not having car trouble. He was a very nice 12 year old boy. Oh no, I'm kidding, he was probably 16. Well, you get my point. He was young and obviously bored silly, perhaps hoping for a good domestic dispute or something a lot more juicy than two old farts looking at an empty field. 

It was a nice jester but my goodness, we need to get out more!!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2015

I almost forgot...

...and if you are a fan of eagles, here's a really great link to a live eagle cam!!!


There's a new bus in town;

I don't get it. Why do we need a bus that bends? It's dumb.

A couple weeks ago, I read a story about a young couple that just gave birth to a son, with no eyes. They talked about the struggles for someone who lives in a completely dark world and said that most people who are born blind, have a sense of light and dark. I wouldn't have thought of that. Anyway, the child's grandmother said, "He'll be more genuine than a lot of us. He'll never see images of war, hunger or cruelty. He won't have to feel the pain that we go through. That's a beautiful thing." That made me tear up. 

When I was in high school, the most popular radio station was WNAP. Their mascot was a buzzard. Their tag line was, "the wrath of the buzzard."  They sponsored an event every summer for several years, called, the raft race. It was nuts! I found this article about it a couple months ago. It made me smile;

This story is old as well. You may have seen it. It's about this poor sap who missed the experience of a lifetime, because he was texting;
That's a humpback whale right there. Kinda makes you wonder about all the things people are missing by not setting their phone aside.

And last...there really isn't any reason for this next picture other than, I just loved it! 

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

mmmm, mmmm, fantastic!

Tonight I discovered the most delicious, yummy, scrumptious treat EVER! Ready?.......
Pineapple. Yep, pineapples. Fresh, juicy, sweet and tangy too! its like crack!!! Wow! I have never liked pineapple. As a matter of fact, I would skip eating before I would eat pineapple. Tonight, I bought one for part of a fruit tray I'm making for work. It looks a lot different than the canned or frozen crap, so I tried a piece. Woohoo!!!!

I have new favorite fruit!!