Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Designated drivers

Designated drivers are everywhere.

I don't mean the responsible folks who choose not to drink so they can get their friends home safely. I mean all the people who choose to take control over other peoples lives, because they let them.

I'm one of them. I'm the designated driver of my marriage. The role wasn't given to me, I chose it. I chose it early on in our marriage. I am the chief financial officer, head cook and maid service. Some of it comes from upbringing. But a lot of comes from simply choosing, years ago, to take on something that my man struggled with. Like paying the bills. It stressed him out and I didn't care so I started paying them. Like cooking. I'm pretty sure he knew how to cook before I married him ~ he had kids for heavens sake. But I gave him a break too frequently and now I'm the head cook. He is totally spoiled now and won't do anything himself. I like being a strong, capable woman but dang. I'm not actually complaining though. I mean, how can I? It's my own fault. He didn't make me the designated driver of our marriage. Oh sure, he made it easy for me to take that role and he doesn't mind that that's my role, but ultimately, it's my own decision. For the most part, I'm a lot like my Mom and enjoy being in control (even if it is an illusion). But occasionally, sometimes, every once in awhile, I would like to shed all my responsibilities and go blithely through the day without a care in the world.

1 comment:

Chuck's Daughter said...

Amen, sister!