Thursday, February 25, 2021

Proof reading

Proof reading is a lost skill. 

You know, occasionally I'll come across a typo in a novel, but not very often. I make typos and leave words out all the time! But I'm not paying someone to correct my work. And if you're getting paid to be an editor/proof reader and you miss something, you shouldn't get paid. How about that?! People should be held more accountable. There's more than just "showing up" you know. I'm not a grammar nazi or anything but some things make me crazy...there/their/they're, your/you're for example. You wouldn't believe how many times I see crap like that in a news article or story. Don't they have people to proof read?

But the winner of the 'lack of editing' goes to our local art museum. A couple weeks ago they posted a job opening on line for a new art director. Part of the job posting said they were seeking a director to "attract a broader and diverse audience while still maintaining the Museum's traditional, core, white art audience."

Did anybody read this before they posted it? Didn't ONE person think to say, ummm, you might want to change that wording? Holy wow! In today's climate? Come on people! I get what they were trying to say but geez!

Anyway, the president of the museum has since resigned over the backlash.  Maybe people did see the issue but they didn't like him so they didn't say anything. LOL. That's one way to get rid of somebody. Some people argued that that attitude is so ingrained in art culture that they just didn't see anything wrong with it. Who knows. But if a competent at their job person had actually proof read it first, I wouldn't be talking about it. 

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