Friday, March 8, 2013


I know I’ve said before that creativity really turns me on. But so does a passion for what you do. Some talented people don’t really have a passion for what they do, they just do it because they can. They do it for the money. You know who they are right away. And while you can appreciate what they do or what they create, it doesn’t make you happy. I had an extremely good orthopedic surgeon fix up my ankle. He did a GREAT job! But whenever I had to go in and see him, I could tell that he didn’t really give a shit. I met an athlete once who could have been truly great, if he had loved what he was doing. But you could tell it was the paycheck that motivated him, not the sport. I’ve been to concerts where the singer/musicians were just going through the sets and when I left I thought, what a waste of time-I could’ve listened to the CD.

I’ve seen painted art that was so remarkable, it made me cry. I’ve heard music so beautiful and powerful, that it made me cry. Honestly, for me to feel something about a creation, you have to be able to see/hear/feel the passion that person had when creating it. It doesn’t have to be a passion for the arts. It can be a passion for cooking or a passion for sewing or even a passion for dog grooming! Even some doctors have a passion for helping people. Some teachers have a passion for filling up a child’s mind with endless possibilities.

Kevin Costner isn’t really a super talented actor. I like him though because he has a passion for the craft of acting and movie making. I saw him on a show with a bunch of film students and he was so engaged with them. He answered every question, asked them questions in return and never once talked about himself. Yanni isn’t the greatest musician out there but I love him because he has a true passion for music. You can hear his joy and happiness in his music. Magic Johnson was arguably one of the greatest NBA player of all time. I don’t think he had a natural talent though. But he had a very real passion for basketball. You could see it. You could feel it when he was on the court.

I want to be moved by passion!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some famous person, I've forgotten who, said "Find that thing you love to do and do that thing. You'll never have to work another day of your life." Your blog, which is very good writing, hints at a passion So-- thank you!