Wednesday, March 6, 2013

pretty Princess poopy Pepper the perpetual puppy

Pepper is such an odd little dog. Not in a bad way. She has a lot of enthusiasm for one...about everything! But she just has an odd personality. She's kind of timid yet very courageous. Whenever Greta and I are playing, Pepper always swoops in and tries to steal the toy. Usually Greta lets her have it. Sometimes though, Greta will fight for it. Greta will lay anywhere. Pepper will only lay in her bed or on a pillow on the couch. I think Pepper is smarter than Greta but Greta is more lovey than Pepper. Actually, they're like kids!

Anyway, we have a toy basket that we keep all the dog toys in. Yes, we DO have that many toys! Every couple days I go around and gather up all the toys and drop them in the basket.

Now, this has happened a couple other times and I chalked it up to coincidence. But now, the third time, I think it's really weird...Pepper is arranging the toys on the floor. In a line to be exact. Sometimes they're spaced out evenly too! Last night I got a picture;

Isn't that crazy?! The big dog and the pink bone were there when I got home yesterday. She added the slipper and the other 2 toys last night. What a funny girl.

1 comment:

Chuck's Daughter said...

She's the first OCD dog I have every heard of. :)